Where shall we hold our services?

Where shall we hold our services?

  • Stormwind Cathedral

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Ironforge Cathedral

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Just outside the Ironforge Entrance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Outside Ironforge and away from traffic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Odale's House

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Somewhere else (please make a suggestion)

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters


Hey. Now its my turn to make a poll. hehe. When services resume, where would you like them to be?
I like the how WHEN sounds compared to IF yep yep yep

I'll put some thought to this before making a suggestion.
How about Darnassus since nobody goes there? Also when are these going to be held? Because if it's Wednesdays then I have church.
How about outside somewhere, like in the Elwynn Forest or in Teldrassil. And who voted for my house???? lol.
Well i truly love the idea of odales house but as for in wow why do we need to have a particular place? I say we do it someplace different each week. There are so many cool places to see i think it would be neat. And not only that but doing it in different places allows for people to be exposed to our services but eliminates some of the ones who choose to harass as we wont be in the same place each time.
<locks the door and eats the key>

I also like Jaz's idea.

Make a different poll each weak or start a thread for suggestions.
Actually, that was a poll option I forgot to add: to have services in different places each week. Not only a change of scenery, but by not holding the services in the same place too repeatidly, we might be able to avoid, if not delay another service attack.

Although it was planned to do it on Wednesdays (as that may be my only available time) if it is more desired to hold it on another day, then I'm confident the Lord will provide. If you don't think Wednesday is a good day, we can easily put up a poll in regards to the day and time.

As for what brought on the return of the services, I can only say God. I'm doing my best (as best as a flawed person can make) to choose the pathways of God instead of the pathways of a loner. So I want to return to my heart's desire of fellowshipping and enjoying God's word with my friends and family in Christ. And I am also looking into going to a Christian college, maybe for a Christian Communications or Christian Multimedia major. We'll see how that will work out.

Once I decided these things and put it in God's hands, my schedule changed at the drop of the hat. Instead of working 5pm - 2am, I'm back to 10am - 7pm. So services are now possible and my heart desires them. So we'll see what the Lord has in store for us. :)

I love you all so very very much!
the problem with moving it each week is some wont be able to make it, Darnassus could work as mages can port people there (Everyone meets at point X and goes).

also why do it in darnassus its way out of the way and no one is going to be there, thought your idea was so that those passing by could join you, there are a few empty houses in the mage area in IF or near the AH even that you could meet in.
well i dont expect everyone to be able to make it to services everytime even if we do hold it in the same place and I think the excitement of variety may actually encourage more participation. I know Avesthar has been trying to get some guild wide quests/raids going and I think services just before a raid (heck why not services at the entrance of where we plan to raid? lol) would really help to unite people and make them available to participate more fully with their guild. Not to mention new scenery usually encourages new ideas for teachings for those leading them.
i do like the idea of multiple places. but the only thing is people forget , especially myself, how long it actually takes to get to places. i just dont want unnesseccary tardiness becasue we forget. before we know it we are 20 min late holding up the service becasue of missed boats or trams or something else.
and maybe no one else seems to have this prob i do and ill be the one who is 20 min late =]
i know we can leave a char logged around the world but to come in your main char is better if possible.
well we can avoid that by announcing at each service where and when the next service will be. If we know ahead of time and if its the motd of that day we should be able to plan accordingly. I know we also have a few mages in the guild. We could work as a guild to provide the regents and summon those who absolutley cant make it on their own in time.
Ill help you be there on time Camma :)

Any why is my house in second place in the runnings???? Should'nt it be in the number 1 spot!??!
I thought odale was going to port us to his house? He has a warlock right?

He lives outside Atlanta, GA.