What's your opinion on Psychic stuff?


Whats your thoughts on psychics? Can they truly predict the future?
Do you think that when a Psychic says she predicts something
can the Devil try to develop a lie to make people believe in Psychic
Hmm... the bible says that all other sorts of "magic" are not from God, so therefore, it's a "third party" magic, aka the devil. Bible does state that there are such things as these things.

an example would be the little servant girl that paul and someone met in the book of *romans, corinthinas, somewhere in that section of new testament*, and the girl was making money for her owners, because she was possessed. paul took out the spirit, and then they got ran out of town because the owners complained of losing their prophet.

this does not mean that all psychics are possessed of course, but answer to your questions in succession.

#1)Already answered above
#2)Some, yes.

oo, and btw, not all psychics are actually into the devil thing. i believe that most of them fit into 2 categories:

#2)Think of themselves as "mystical people"
I'm not sure about this one - I've seen far too much strangeness to be able to utterly discount the power of the mind metaphysical. On the other hand I do not believe in TV Psychic's or Horoscopes.

Divination is a science that I've personally used (I have a set of Runes that I always keep close by) and had decent results with. I don't rely on it though, and neither should anyone else.
Dark Virtue said:
I can cite relevant scripture too, does that make me holy, right or just?
What part of my reply insinuated that the website was holy, right or just? All I said was there was relevant scripture references there.
A real prophet from God will never give a prophecy that doesn't come true.
And if a person claims to know the future and other mysteries, where do they get that power from? Sylvia Brown isn't a Christian and if she's not doing it to make money, there is only one place her abilities can come from, the devil.
So there's only God and the Devil? I performed a divination yesterday - none of the information that I recieved can be used to do harm, and in no case did I invoke any of the Devil's names.
Arkanjel said:
What part of my reply insinuated that the website was holy, right or just? All I said was there was relevant scripture references there.

The mere fact that you cited the website.

If the site wasn't "right" then why cite it?
No_Compromise said:
A real prophet from God will never give a prophecy that doesn't come true.
And if a person claims to know the future and other mysteries, where do they get that power from? Sylvia Brown isn't a Christian and if she's not doing it to make money, there is only one place her abilities can come from, the devil.

Where do you place Nostrodamus? Is he from God?

If someone proclaims they are a prophet from God and gives you a future prophecy...do you wait until the prophecy is supposed to occur before you believe in them? Depending on how far in the future the prophecy was made, you could be waiting a long time. What happens to the status of the prophet until the prophecy is supposed to come true?
I Think that if some one has an ability to see things. Than it could come from God, not sure if Satan has power at all for that kind of thing. I mean like with Job Satan couldn't do anything without big dady's permission. I also think a may be part psychic I mean I've had a few wierd encounters. Nowing howmany seconds were left on the clock without knowing. The fact that your wearing red socks. That the guy on that chatroom was a fat kid in denial. I could go on. It seems to me that there is a "ripple effect" thats Why these kind of super natural phenomenom ocurr. Who knows maybe that fotune teller was right when she told you not to walk home alone. Just like the Randy Travis song:cool: "Oh there are three wooden crosses on the right side of the high way, why there's not four of them? Heaven only knows. I guess its not what ya take when you leave this world behind, its what ya leave behind ya when ya go." - Randy Travis: Rise and Shine. Good cd go check it out!

Hiya, just thought I'd give a little story.

I knew this guy that had a "gift". He told me things about my past that only I would know. Like deep dark secrets that I didn't want anyone to know about! It was absolutely ridiculous. His power was obviously drawn from Satan. Anyways it ended up he became a Christian a year later and he has surrendered his power to God and he no longer has "the gift". Thought that was an interesting part of my life, just wanted to share it.
Armandus said:
Hiya, just thought I'd give a little story.

I knew this guy that had a "gift". He told me things about my past that only I would know. Like deep dark secrets that I didn't want anyone to know about! It was absolutely ridiculous. His power was obviously drawn from Satan. Anyways it ended up he became a Christian a year later and he has surrendered his power to God and he no longer has "the gift". Thought that was an interesting part of my life, just wanted to share it.

If that is indeed true and there was no way that he could've gotten the information from your parents/friends/relatives/you-don't-talk-when-you're sleeping then yeah, he probably did have a Satanic gift.. or a gift from ____
Muffins said:
If that is indeed true and there was no way that he could've gotten the information from your parents/friends/relatives/you-don't-talk-when-you're sleeping then yeah, he probably did have a Satanic gift.. or a gift from ____


So how do you distinguish a gift from God or a gift from Satan?
Knowledge = a gift from Satan.

Pretty much sums up my problem with fundamentalist religions in one sentence...
Where do you draw the line between psychics and prophets?
I can cite relevant scripture too
Why did you ask the question in the first place if you could cite relevant scripture.

You know what arkanjel was trying to say by his link, don't try to get under people's skin just for the sake of arguement.