What's goin on.


New Member
Most of you might remember me and know my involvement and interaction with the guild. But for those that don't I'll recap a little. I was an active member of ToJ/SoE/SOE since late January. I chose to leave early August due to certain differences and personal reasons that were related. In the past month and a half I have been reflecting on you all's role in my life. I have come to the conclusion that although we have our differences I need you all in my life. I am lacking the moral influence that I think I require in my life. "But Patrick don't you go to a Christian College?" Why yes, yes I do. But that doesnt mean that it's a perfect environment. You see there is alot of behavior that goes on here that you wouldn't expect unless you were at a public institution. Now I don't participate in these things, I do however feel that I am in a high pressure environment. I need a better influence than what I have.

Additionally I would also like to apologize for the manner in which I left. I stubornly left the guild and hastily posted here announcing that, without giving you all a chance to help or myself a chance to rationally explain myself. So I'm sorry guys it wasn't fair of me to behave the way I did especially at my age. I'm a pretty lousy 20 year old.

So I would like to ask you all if you can bear with me and allow me to rejoin SOE. I really think this is where I need to be.
I stubornly left the guild and hastily

I remember a guy named Halonic who hastily and stubbornly did something like that one time.

I remember a guy named Peter in the Bible that stubbornly denied our Lord three times until the rooster crowed.

Bottom line is we are just people with all our warts and imperfections. We will not be perfect until we go into eternity with Him.

Welcome back and I'll gladly play with you anytime you like.
hehe no worries spud, a while back i just kinda forsake the guild for a while while going through some stuff and i came back. the kool thing here is its like family: theres always a place here for you
Always glad to have you Patrick :) . It was lonely being the only Rivera ya know :P. Good to have you back esse! I am in SoE so If one other SOE officers will get Patrick an invite that would very kind!
Glad to see you back.:D Have you had any success with the Rotwing farm lately?

Dredd: invite sent.
