What would it take to get you on IRC?

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Even before the recent DDoS attacks on the GameSurge network, I've been unable to gather support for the Christian Gamers Alliance IRC channel. With a community this large, I'm surprised that we don't have more people chatting in the channel. A chat web applet is even available for those who prefer not to download and install an IRC client.

My question is: What would it take you to get on IRC? An active IRC channel is key to developing a "real-time" community and I'd like to hear from our forum regulars regarding what you would like in an IRC channel.

For those unfamiliar with IRC (Internet Relay Chat), please click here for a brief FAQ that should help answer your questions.

Please post your questions, comments, and suggestions.
My main beefs with IRC is that there are a lot of AOL use... ahem... I mean, stupid people, on IRC. The channel will be invaluable when posting for scrimmages but I don't like idling in channels. If Xfire wasn't so darn useful I wouldn't use an IM client either.
dsl.... and im serous, i would use IRC more often but the continual off n on internet doesnt make me a good idler, plus when ur in game u dont really wanna keep switching out n stuff
A firm slap in the rear should do it! :P

Nah, I just haven't gotten around to idling in the channel. What's the final server and channel info?
SirThom said:
What's the final server and channel info?
Primary IRC channel: #cga on irc.us.gamesurge.net
Backup IRC channel: #cgalliance on irc.enterthegame.com

Seems GameSurge is still under attack, so I'll be on both at least until the attacks clear.
Atown said:
plus when ur in game u dont really wanna keep switching out n stuff
Atown: Do you use Trillian? In addition to connecting to the four major IM networks, Trillian also features IRC connectivity.
yes i use trill but i have to turn everything off when i game or else mad lag
Atown said:
yes i use trill but i have to turn everything off when i game or else mad lag
Are you using Trillian 0.74i or Trillian Basic 3.1? Downgrading to 0.74i should help matters tremendously. I still run 0.74i on my 667MHz PC.
Trillian Basic 3.1 brings my 667MHz machine to a crawl. (I had Trillian Basic 3.1 loaded on it for about five minutes before I uninstalled and downgraded.) I suppose I'll just have to take my chances with Trillian 0.74i on that particular computer.

I'm surprised Cerulean Studios hasn't issued a patch for 0.74i, though, given the tremendous jump in CPU and RAM usage in version 3.1.

I sincerely hope that Trillian Pro 2.013 doesn't share this terrible exploit as I can't justify another $25 for an "upgrade" that, at least to my uneducated eye, pulls Trillian into the category of "bloatware." There aren't any features exclusive to 3.1 that I absolutely must have (not that I know of, anyway). ^^
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uhhh yeah..... dial-up+cs+anything else = mad lag
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I figured, I can connect with The Tribe of Judah Chat, but it says:

Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection refused
Error : Not connected
Unable to connect : java.net.ConnectException : Connection refused
Hm. The GameSurge servers dedicated to Java clients might still be under attack. EnterTheGame might have a Java client available on their web site, but I'm not sure.
Not sure if I'm opening a dead thread here, but I idle, I'm in ToJ-CS and CGA right now, anywhere else where someone wants/needs idlers, just point me in that direction and I'd be glad to add to my perform.

Even though we've been able to draw regular visitors to our TeamSpeak server, there are still only three consistent visitors in our IRC channel. We need more people, so I ask again: What would it take to get you on IRC?
Well the problem I have is that I'm either too busy working, sleeping or doing chores....

I spend all the rest of my free time killing monsters with my fellow SOE members.

I'd love to though, espeically for meeting type things... like the bible study for instance.

- GW : William Rennik, and the Sisters Azrailien