What messages would you like to see


New Member
After reading a few posts it seems that we could do with some updated messages on the CS server. Please post here with your ideas and i will notify elite of the good ones so the CS leadership team can discuss it.

Try to have your posts short. concise. include web links if needed. or include emails. try to get the point across.
the message 'questions about Christ? contact sun and kidan' like we have when you join the server
One thing i think could be changed is that the admin rules dont really needed to be posted on the connect dialog. Also with some lower res pc's ppl cant scroll up and read the player rules..lol.

Yes a questions about god thing would be useful if it isnt already there.
Unfortunately, I have yet to receive a single email from someone playing on the server asking me about Christianity. Hopefully Kidan had better luck!

The messages I would like to see:

#1: Some sort of 1-line short answer for 'why Christians play CS;

#2: "Jesus is real. He died for all men sins.";

#3: "Choose not to believe, and go to Hell. Believe, and have Eternal Life in Heaven";

Feel free to edit the messages above as you see fit. I'm just trying to pass a point accross. I do wonder if too many messages will 'clutter' the screen too much, but in the end I think it's a small price to pay if you're trying to spread the word of God.
Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.
If we're right, you're screwed. If we're wrong, at least we didn't get STD's or whatever while on earth
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Goose62 @ June 30 2003,1:22)]If we're right, you're screwed. If we're wrong, at least we didn't get STD's or whatever while on earth
/me reminds self not to appoint Goose as Tribe of Judah Public Relations Director

I have to agree, though. *chuckle*
lol i was thinking less of trashtalk and more of directing them to a place where we can talk with them. IRC hardly gets used nowdays and there hasnt been much response to the email message for sun/kidan.

So what do we need?
Christian Counter-Strike is not an oxymoron, check us out at www.toj.cc

I like the signature of one of our members, says something like "he who has the most frags wins but he who has Christ goes to heaven" or something like that.

We have several resources linked from the main pages of the site but I could always make some redirects that would make it easier to get to the content like http://www.toj.cc/csfiles instead of http://www.toj.cc/files/index.cfm?intFolderID=16. Or www.toj.cc/salvation instead of www.toj.cc/resources/salvation.cfm. Just let me know.
Redirects are good. This doesn't really deal with the messasges...but sometimes I find my admin_tsays getting cut off by the server tsays. Maybe we could increase the interval to about 2 minutes or so? This won't eliminate the problem but it will definintely decrease it. I'd need more time to think about messages.
Ok i think redirects are good... heres three to do then

1. Download the map packs at toj.cc/csfiles.
2. Can christians play CS? Check out rizz.toj.cc
3. Questions about christianity. contact kidan@email.addy

I actually bound a key to display the link to you cs question Rizz. Got tired of people just picking fights on the server about the ethics of cs.
All done, you can now type in http://www.toj.cc/csfiles and get directed to the CS files on the website. Here is a list of the other keywords that the script recognizes:

CSFILES to /files/index.cfm?intFolderID=16
ROSTER to /members/roster.cfm
TESTIMONY to /resources/testimony.cfm
TESTIMONIES to /resources/testimony.cfm
SALVATION to /resources/salvation.cfm

These are extremely easy to add in so let me know if there are some other ones that may be needed.