What kind of music ya'll like

well I had the song radiate on a $3 sampler CD, I love it! then someone put the Andy Hunter site on the forum and I put two and two together and ordered his CD. Waiting to get it from Amazon.
I do like DC Talk, I just never head enough of their stuff to say I'm into them. I heard "red letters" in a WOW cd, and I liked it.
Rizz re: new Metallica...I actually read somewhere that the "bad recording" or lo fi approach was the point. I guess the producer they worked with was actually trying to remove the gloss of previous incarnations of the band and inject some rawness. Guess it didn't work for you.

re: DCT being cheesy...ya, they were cheesy, but at the time they were pretty relevant. Just keep yourself from looking at the cover of Nu Thang and you'll be ok.

re: Scott Blackwell...well, looks like he's still doing his thing. Didn't take me long to google him, or follow the bouncing link to Myx Records (Scott's Label), and Trance Domain, which seems to highlight both christian and secular djs (though the site seems to be christian-minded).

A Dance Tent at a christian music festival? My, things have changed.
I like the newsboys old stuff.  Switchfoots new album is nice too.  I just got back from a missions trip and feel God calling me to delete all the music i downloaded.  Thats ok i never listen to it ne way
2 more bands I like alot are a local christian band called Remedy that I think someday is gonna go pro.  They are really good.  You should really check it out (umm listen to some of their newer albums as there old one was made a while back.)oneremedy  They are really cool they are 4 brothers that love God and have alot of musical talent.  They play rock musicThe other band that I think is really cool started in a church in British Colombia a few years back.  They were called the Doxa band and they started with maybe 10-20 people going to thier worship/concert/things and then they came in the hundreds and maybe the thousands.  I have 4 of their cds i think the Genre is Light rock i think i dont really know how to classify music.  But God has blessed their music ministry and i think their music is reflective of why.  They have music at their website too but i dont know the adress search the Doxa band.  But its been a while since i checked it out they might be gone.  I live far away from them and used the website to order their cds
i thought we had 600 members comeon i thought this would do alot better