What does your dock look like?


New Member
I was just wondering if anyone wanted to show off their docks in osx or other unix based systems


functionality: virtual desktop pager, minimized windows, app launcher, cpu temp (yes its accurate) and time

I am running e17 on gentoo linux

From left to right:

- Finder (like Explorer)
- Dashboard (holds my widgets -- similar to Konfabulator)
- Safari (browser)
- Mail
- iTunes
- Adium (instant messenger)
- Adobe Dreamweaver (web design -- need to buy TextMate)
- iCal
- Fetch (dumb icon, but it's an FTP client)
- System Preferences (I only have this in my dock while I'm still tweaking settings)
- an AppleScript (this does multiple things when run: starts playing a "Wake Up" playlist, checks for new podcasts, checks my e-mail, and empties the trash. This all occurs on bootup when it automatically turns on in the morning (in my room). So every morning I wake up to a new track, because I have the playlist set to "random". It's in my dock so I can easily enable or disable the "Open at Login" option in the context menu.)
- A frequently-used app I made -- can't tell you what it is. =)
- Grab (I don't normally have this in my dock -- it's the app I used to take the screenshot)
- The trash can (equivalent of the "Recycle Bin" in Windoze)
I always enjoyed the doc in osx, i only wish you could do more with it, all it does is hold shortcuts and programs :(

dashbord is fun to mess with :p
katana, what kind of os are you using, mac?

is there a small plugin i could use to use this in windows xp? XD windows is bad. i know.

i don't want something that will plugup my bootup time tho.
sorry im using a alpha window manager in gentoo linux called enlightenment17, for windows I would try to theme it, it will still be nasty, but not so much so..

I love e17, everything is animated, compared to osx, i think e17 has more eye candy.

one of the things that cripples windows when it boots is a improperly configured device, if one of your ide channels has a slave and no master, it will add something like 15+ seconds to your boot.

Dell is notorious for leaving all their drives in the manufactures mode, this was bad as my zip drive was master and my hard drive slave lol, im so glad i built my own system now
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Just for fun, here's what my Dashboard looks like:

Everything is pretty self-explanatory, except for those green and gray ones in the upper right. Those are live statistic widgets for my websites. The doggie bone: when I drop files onto it, it uploads the file to my web space. The lyrics widget on the left displays lyrics to the currently-playing song, then copies them into iTunes, which also transfers the lyrics to my iPod. Oh, and that long red bar on my memory readout is inactive memory. =)

(My real screen res is 1280x1024, btw.)
you guys are too cool for me, I'm happy I can change my desktop background & manage my website.
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Not sure how to upload a picture...
I've got Finder, iTunes, garageband,
then resEdit and SoundApp (classic os stuff)
a bunch of standard iStuff
Bryce, Poser6 demo, DAZStudio (more chr. animation)
Then LiveQuartz, Compositor (image stuff) and even the DigitalColorMeter
then Renamer, controlFreak, screenMovieRecorder
Dictionary, some wordprocessors, Bible Reader Free
My game "Exegesis", SWBattlefront, WarcraftIII
Yahoo msgr, iChat, Skype, Safari, Internet Connect
...and the garbage can
JeTSpice said:
Not sure how to upload a picture...
I've got Finder, iTunes, garageband,
then resEdit and SoundApp (classic os stuff)
a bunch of standard iStuff
Bryce, Poser6 demo, DAZStudio (more chr. animation)
Then LiveQuartz, Compositor (image stuff) and even the DigitalColorMeter
then Renamer, controlFreak, screenMovieRecorder
Dictionary, some wordprocessors, Bible Reader Free
My game "Exegesis", SWBattlefront, WarcraftIII
Yahoo msgr, iChat, Skype, Safari, Internet Connect
...and the garbage can
Just open up Grab; it's under Applications/Utilities. Then, just go to "Capture -> Selection", save it, and upload to www.imageshack.us. =)