What do you drink?

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New Member
This is just a poll so I can learn this information. IT will not be used against you and you really dont have to answer. No need to argue or justify your drinking habits. How Often doesnt matter to me, just WHAT it is... so dont explain hhow you only do it once a month... just selct what you DO drink and thats all.

Theists, Athiests and whatever DV is are welcome to vote.
im going to be using this
well alot of Christians think Drinking is fine.... Im not one of them and i just want to see how the majority drinks alcohol... so everyone is invited to respond. but please dont turn this into a religeous discussion.

I for one didnt drink even before I was saved, why?
Because alcohol is a poison thats why. It eats away at your organs and may severly damage your liver in large doses.. why torture your liver? Thats the thing that lets you eat food... without it, you cannot eat anything! I always appreciated my health and im not going to abuse it with some 'fun' poison.

And drunkedness is even worse then just drinking it really. Being drunk is having your brain bloated and constricted by your skull, restricting blood flow and oxygen, Of course your gonna feel tipsy.. your brain is lacking oxygen and being crushed by your skull!... Then when your brain de-bloats back to its normal size it hurts like heck from the pressure and right away orders your guts to throw up that junk you put into it last night! This is ocmmonly reffered to as a "hangover", I like to call it suicide attempt recuperation.
I abstain.

There's no reason to drink, it weakens the mind and it tastes nasty anyway. I have a tendency towards addictions, so it's better to stay away from it.
I drink, although I've never been drunk, never had a hangover. It's all about knowing limits.

Southern Comfort and Skyy Vodka are personal favorites.

As for beer, I like Shiner Blonde or Dos Equis Lager.

I even enjoy the occassional cigar.

BTW Byblos, if that's you in your avatar you look like a young Fox Mulder. The Truth is Out There!

EDIT: Not to turn this into a religious discussion, but Christ drank didn't he?
Well good for you!!

I wonder who drinks liqour and beer.... lol
well wonder no more!

Thanx DV alot of people tell me I look like that!

Yep the thruth is out there just not in UFOs
Yes yes I am.... but in my currect location they enforce alcohol consumption and schools, on tv, and everywhere else. Both my parents were drunks.... oh well. Back on topic anyway!!
I don't think anything is wrong with drinking alcohol in moderation if you are of the legal drinking age. Having a drink with dinner or whatever. A glass of wine a day has been proven to be beneficial to your health, so your arguement of it being poison is based on personal opinion.

My favorite drink?  I must admit, I overindulge daily...

Woo hoo!  and ohhh, laaa, laa Byb!  We are going to need to do something about the chicks flocking around now!  Yea, looking foxy for sure, (Mulder, that is
The Proof is out there...
da da da
da da da
da daa
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol
Yes I know... my mom and her Dad are both complete drunks... they have very little blood in their alcohol streams

@THaddius. I understand what you are saying but the truth is, in small doses alcohol, like any other poison, Can be defeated by your body's self defense systems. But if you go over that threshhold and put in too much poison, Alcohol in this case. you will begin to be affected. FOr alcohol the affects can be very mild like minor brain bloating, and can go all the way up to Liver destruction.

I guess it is physically fine if you do not exceed your liver's capacity and all the alcohol is destroyed there... but once you start to feel tipsy or whatever then you know the poison is in your blood stream.

I never took Marcy for a drinker...
Alcohol IS NOT Poison

You can die from overindulging in fatty foods too, that doesn't mean a Chicken McNugget is poison. Especially not with Sweet & Sour Sauce.
I used to drink quite heavily... Then i chose to drink in moderation as my christian ethic is happy with that. Yet recently i found that if i was depressed or stressed i would often drink more than required. So i decided not to drink at all. If i ever get to a point where i feel i have control then i will possibly have the odd drink again.

Its all down to the person and letting God guide them when they are not doing the right thing.
@ Dark Virtue, Alcohol is poision.... and in case you didnt know without a liver eating a chikin Mcnugget WILL poision and kill you.

poi·son Audio pronunciation of "poison" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (poizn)

1. A substance that causes injury, illness, or death, especially by chemical means.
2. Something destructive or fatal.

Alcohol does all of the above when consumed. Therefor is poision. And in fact if you did not have a liver, ANYTHING you consumed would be considered poisonous to your body.

@Rizz, Congrats on your victory.
Alcohol only causes physical injury when consumed out of moderation.

As Thaddius has pointed out, in moderate amounts, wine can be beneficial. In LARGE amounts, it can be detrimental.
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