What Class are you?

I don't think anyone's going to be surprised by my results:

...must stab above posts. :p

I've been meaning to ask why don't you play spy anymore Tek? You said it was your main in the old Team Fortress.
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I've been meaning to ask why don't you play spy anymore Tek? You said it was your main in the old Team Fortress.
Honestly? Because I don't have the attention span or patience any more. I find playing Spy too frustrating in TF2. In TFC, if you were getting pwned as Spy, you could still take your aggression out by tossing a few well-placed gas grenades to slow down (or at least annoy) the enemy team.

Oh, and blowing up sentries was way easier in TFC. Spy + 2 grenades > sentry.

I might change my mind in the future after I get tired of playing Medic, Pyro, and Soldier (yes, Soldier; I miss playing Quake 3 deathmatch, okay?), but that's probably going to take a while.

So why do I play Medic as my primary? Because the Medic in TF2 is a true support class. In TFC, Medics ran flags, conc jumped, and, on rare occasions, infected enemy team members, but they almost never healed their teammates.

...Although I admit I miss being able to infect enemy team members and watch them run back into their respawn room.


Oh, and as for me playing Pyro as my secondary: The Pyro isn't a complete loss in TF2, like the class was in TFC. As I recall, hardly anyone played Pyro in TFC.

And I get to set people on fire.


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I do like the Heavy plenty, as the Soldier now. Pyro is great for defending Engineer nests, but Heavy chews people up good. >=]
surprise surprise, I personally thought I might get engie, but alas I'm aussie...
Honestly? Because I don't have the attention span or patience any more. I find playing Spy too frustrating in TF2. In TFC, if you were getting pwned as Spy, you could still take your aggression out by tossing a few well-placed gas grenades to slow down (or at least annoy) the enemy team.

Oh, and blowing up sentries was way easier in TFC. Spy + 2 grenades > sentry.
Yeah spy does have its faults Tek. If you ever play on an instant respawn server (I dislike them but I play on them a lot) it's often quicker to die and run back to where you were than wait for your cloak to renew (not to mention the way instant respawn ruins the game balance over all). Then there is the hit detection on the backstabs. People often talk about getting frontstabs that count as backstabs but the flip side is getting backstabs that count as frontstabs. I've been running straight behind an engy in the 2fort sewers, slashed 3 times, heard the impact each time and not gotten a backstab. I've also gotten right up against a stationary, squatting, heavy, stabbed and not gotten a backstab. The important point is both killed me right afterwards :/. There are a couple other things they could make better on the spy too but the negatives pale when you get these moments...

Completely wiping out an offense single handed and seeing the death notifications light up.
Having players chase you around for minutes only to backstab them just as they give up.
Killing medics just as they get uber... NO UBER FOR YOU hehehe.
Oblivious snipers.
Having a guy you just killed check the corner you were in only to kill him from the opposite corner.
Having people back into corners to be safe from backstabs not to realize the spy is already in the corner :) .
Pretending to be an enemy heavy and having them run away from you :D .
Destroying teleports and making people walk back... if they make it back Mwhahahahahah!

It's ok if you don't spy Tek. Teams generally only need one spy and having too many spies actually makes it harder to spy :D.

Pyro is generally my second class but I am a backburning pyro, not the more utilitarian air blast pyro (I feel like I am talking about species of animals O.o). Somedays I just can't seem to play well as a spy but my pyro'ing is more consistent. It's not Keero's level but I almost always get a positive kill count and I can still be sneaky :). The axe is almost backstab satisfying too :p.

As far as Medic I don't mind playing one on a team that will actually watch your back but dislike playing one on a team that forgets to protect you. You are pretty dependant on the skill and protection of your patient. My mic issues and the fact I tend to wait just a little to long to uber sometimes hold me back from being a good medic. As it is I do alright but I see how I could do better. I will often go medic for the good of the team though and prefer it to having to be the engy.

I generally like all the classes, I am just not as inclined to play or as good at some than others. That's the nice thing about Team Fortress 2 if you get bored at any time all you have to do is switch for a different experience :) .
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