What about Diablo II?


New Member
I'm just wondering why ToJ doesn't have a Diablo chapter. I know the game pushes the limits for some Christians because some of the material is demonic and what not, I am aware of this. But other than that, it IS a good game and i'm just suggesting we give it a shot.

If there is anything I can do to get a jump start on it, please let me know i'd be more than happy to help put together a community.
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well not a lot of people play d2 aneymore its a little old and have moves on to wow gw and cs and if you get anuff poeple to play than tek might conseder a chapter but you will need 10+ people
Well, hey, the games are pretty much direct competitors. I was thinking he might want to play some DS2 with me. Or anybody, really. I've never played it online.
yea except the problem is i dont buy games, i download them...and i DLed
DS2 and its not online cuz everyone is using the same cd-key. Doesnt work on LAN either. :confused:
Armandus said:
yea except the problem is i dont buy games, i download them...and i DLed
DS2 and its not online cuz everyone is using the same cd-key. Doesnt work on LAN either. :confused:

Did I read that right? I may be mistaken, but I think you just told everyone here that you are a software pirate. If I did read that right, I have to say, isn't it a serious conflict of interest to join a Christian gaming organization and play with STOLEN games?

Now I'm sure that there are those in this organization that still download software illegally. But when we choose to walk with the Lord and consequently become his representatives, we have to try our best to put as many of our sins behind us. I used to steal software myself, but I have put that behind me now and I hope that you'll give it some thought and do the same. There are plenty of great games out there that are either very affordable or free, just ask Tek7. With his current game budget, he probably has found them all. :D
astrod00d said:
If I did read that right, I have to say, isn't it a serious conflict of interest to join a Christian gaming organization and play with STOLEN games?
Tribe of Judah and the Christian Gamers Alliance in no way, shape, or form condones software piracy. Just to make things clear.

astrod00d said:
There are plenty of great games out there that are either very affordable or free, just ask Tek7. With his current game budget, he probably has found them all.
'Tis true. Just check the "Frugal Gamer" series of threads, listed here.
Downloading anything that costs money, without paying for it, is not cool. As a musician, a computer programmer, and a former music and software thief myself, I have seen both sides of the issue. It's just not okay to play a game for which you haven't paid. How do you think the makers of Diablo 2 will ever make a sequel to the game you like so much, if they aren't paid for what they've already done? Piracy kills any industries it infects.
I agree. I, too, have downloaded software. But I immediately felt guilty and was convicted about what I was doing, in large part because I am a staff member of this organization and I was sinning ("Thou shalt not steal").

I still download every now and again, but I do it for different reasons. I use it as a sort of game demo experience. To me, there is nothing wrong with downloading Dragonshard, playing through a couple of single-player missions to see if I really like it or not, and then deleting the file whether I buy the game or not. You can't rent computer games, so this is how you can. But downloading a game with the intent of never purchasing it and playing through it completely is wrong, plain and simple. God doesn't approve.