Well...I got ranked...


New Member
In my 5 ranking matches I won 2 and lost 3...that put me in the bronze league, and I am 50th in my division...whoopie!!! lol...
during 2nd beta phase, i was ranked as bronze then after like 10-15 games it tossed (hehe) into gold division. So the ladder is weird like that.
I went 4-1 during my ranking and got put into platinum. I think I'm now at 6-4 and around the halfway mark in Platinum.
platnium...haven't played a lot of games, but it hasn't been *quite* as bad as i was expecting. 81 as of this morning
I haven't even played my placement matches yet. Between the single-player campaign and multiplayer matches in the evening, I haven't had time (though I'm not in any hurry to play in the leagues anyway).
I haven't even played my placement matches yet. Between the single-player campaign and multiplayer matches in the evening, I haven't had time (though I'm not in any hurry to play in the leagues anyway).

Pretty much the same thing here, I've been playing the campaign trying to get achievements before I do the multi-player.
Man, I've lost like 5 games in a row :(. I ranked 20 something platinum, and have every game since then.
I won my first real match today (Bronze league). I really REALLY can't stress enough how much I wish I didn't skip the practice matches. I would have been in a much better spot. I went in guns blazin' (as a noob) and now I'm learning so much just from playing a lot.
Well, I finally decided to skip the rest of the practice league (had 26 games left) and get ranked today. I went 4 and 1. Platinum league! WOOOOT!

I started at bronze in the beta and had to work my way up to silver. Kinda surprised I'm in the platinum league... I'll just have to blame Naruto and Bowser for that one (thanks for all the help guys).

On the downside, now I have to play against platinum players. I played against Naruto, and he crushed me pretty well a couple of times. I don't even try to scout with drones yet. In my last ranking match, an overlord just happened to see a protoss turret rush. After I barely beat that, the protoss player had a great counter attack in the end. Some heroic broodlords just barely gave me the edge. The platinum league will be tough. (but fun too)

Oh, and the one race I lost to? ZERG! Cause zerg is OP.
Oh, and the one race I lost to? ZERG! Cause zerg is OP.
/me watches helplessly as S.O.S. overloads his sarcasm detector

Oh. Great. And those detectors are just so cheap, too.

EDIT: I still haven't played my placement matches. I'm in no hurry, though. The main reason I bought SC2 was to play with ToJ members, not to play with strangers. In fact, my negative experiences playing with strangers shortly after Brood War was released served, in part, as the inspiration for the establishment of ToJ back in 1999. Also: I'm not that good at SC2.
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EDIT: I still haven't played my placement matches. I'm in no hurry, though. The main reason I bought SC2 was to play with ToJ members, not to play with strangers. In fact, my negative experiences playing with strangers shortly after Brood War was released served, in part, as the inspiration for the establishment of ToJ back in 1999. Also: I'm not that good at SC2.

I agree it is much more enjoyable to get stomped on by a brother than some stranger.

I remember how hacked up battle.net 1 was with SC:BW. Before I quit there was ALOT of cheating going on that made gameplay online unbearable. That being said the SC2 system is pretty smooth and thus far I haven't many run-ins with rude or insolent players.

For the most part,everyone seems to be enjoying the battles vs. the banter.