weekly newsletter


New Member
Hi guys.. I know that things are running smoothly in the prayer forums. cheers for all your support and help. I have an idea i want to run by you all.
That is to have an email sent out at the beginning of every week by one of us containing all the prayer requests in the cga forums and any that are submitted.. With a constant update on the situation.
The person who undertakes this job would have quite a responsiblity to contact those who have posted in forums to ask for updates and to monitor the prayer forum closely.
I will also forward any prayer requests to them that are confidential. We havent had many yet but i thought we could start putting our personal requests in there..It would be a bit dauting at first but im sure it would be beneficial.
Ok let me know what you guys think... i will start a forum thread in private forum about it.. if someone feels led to do this job then also say so..
(i just thought.. we could have one as an open newsletter to anyone who signs up in toj and one as a more confidential one for just us?)
Rizz like i said in the email GREAT IDEA. We SHOULD do this

At the sametime though prayers may not always be anwsered right away.

Also lets try even if we as the prayer team need to push on some people to find a praise.

i know i find it a little odd when i go to church and see a 2 page prayer list then like 5 praises. It should really be the other way around.

just my pennies worth
rgr thats usually the nature of the animal though... people are quick to ask and not so quick to thank (10 lepers anyone?).. i just know if even by posting requests week after week to a list of 20-40 people by email we are strenthening the force of toj and cga. Of course i believe that soon into it we shall start to see the answers become apparent aswell as the questions.
There is a person in the frame to do this. I havent spoken much with them about it yet but they feel God is leading them in that direction.

There is plenty of time for this to get sorted so please pray that all the plans go ok. I will be giving said person access to this forum soon so please support them as they search for the correct path in this.
Here is a snip from the email i sent to them regarding the changes.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]The situation at the moment...
We have the open prayer forum and advice forum. Also we have a private forum which is accessable only by the cga prayerteam. The prayerteam is about 8 guys who are considered trustworthy and of a decent level of christian walk to handle the responsibilities before them. Basically we have a set email address prayerteam@cgalliance.org which people can use to send requests for prayer and advice or whatever they want in confidence. This is forwarded to me. I then (judging on the type of response needed) will generally post it in the private forum so that this team can pray for it. When necessary i will keep anonymity. When necessary i will have to email the person in question or Tek or whatever. The open prayer forum runs pretty well by itself at the moment but we have had only a few private requests. This is something we need to review.

How i would like it to be.
Well the open forum can stay as it is for now. What i want really is 3 things to develop in the near future.
1. The open newsletter. Simply a weekly letter using a yahoo group that i can setup. Will contain shortened versions of all the prayer requests in the forum. Any updates on requests will be posted in the letter. Also any praises..something we need to try and focus on more... ppl are always ready to ask and not so ready to thank.
2. The private newsletter. I will prbably be managing this myself.. It will be different to the other newsletter in that it will not have any of the main forum requests. It will contain all the private requests attained via prayerteam@cgalliance.org. These will be mentioned with no specifics in the main newsletter. As you said. private prayers. Also requests and thoughts from the prayerteam itself but thats point 3.
3. I want to try and build up a strong bond between the current prayerteam members. Whether through the 2nd letter or the forum. I want the members to be able to say/ask/advise anything they want to the other prayerteam members. Almost like an accountability ring but i think that word is overused. Just a group of people who have someone to turn to when they are needing it. Eventually i want them to be able to speak the word of god directly into each others lives through this system and build each other up.
Not for me. I am not apathetic.. Every day the cga prayer team and the upcoming convention enters in my prayers. I wish i could do something to get us out of this mud.. But at the me moment I pretty much am the whole of the prayer team.. with the possible exception of LoJ.

I have tried all i can to get this off the ground. the person i questioned hasnt been online since that day and i figure isnt gonna be.

Noone in cga gives a crap about anything that is done for them. I totally empathise with tek and his efforts to run this while trying to lead a normal life. I am ready to give the lot up.

Im gonna discuss this with some people in person when im over there.. about trying to get some life into cga. If nothing comes of it then i think that will be me spent. Everyones so quick to take and not to give. Everyones so quick to judge and not to encourage.
i know Rizz never once was i saying that you have not given, There are some members my self included who have given. i Feel i could do more but am holding my self back so i do not over stretch my self too early (summer time/work/Small Groupleader/ToJ Nut) it just really agitaites me that NO ONE is willing to do anything except a few people.
rgr i wish ppl would get with teh cause...im kinda grumpy at the moment too.. lol. women trouble...
eh i know how it feels to have women trouble. i know i need to stop trying to find miss right. ect and Let God work in His own time.
I have started constructing the yahoo group. It should be finished tomorrow.. Only allowed to add 10 people at a time.. If you want to check it out and add yourself then its located here..


im not gonna start it up until after the convention and when we have someone who can take the job on.
Hey guys- rizz u sent me the email involving this. I would certainly be willing to help out. I don't know exactly what you're lookin for- i suppose if you really needed someone to run the newsletter thing i could do that, or if there is other stuff needing to be done just let me know.
Yessir thats what we need. Im still setting up the yahoo group but join it and we can start from there...

I need to figure if people can just go to it and join as its unlisted..
Hmmm ok a few questions answered and sorry for my lack of response before. As rizz has been informed I didn't expect him to contact me in email but in forums. I have many a struggle and such myself but am and have been learning patience from God for a very long time. So I think that now is God's timing and He is in charge. Since I finally got the first email ..... dated a month ago so sorry again..... seems the ideas keep going wild.

I have many suggestions and think I know a good way to organize, etc but told rizz I may need a tiny bit of help with the computer to make it go the way it needs to be.

I will try to write down my ideas and such and explain them more fully for the rest of you . ( Took me like 3 days to get into here.)

Blessings "Angel"