We should seriously think about getting this weapon


New Member
We should seriously think about getting this weapon, before its nurfed.


Too bad im not 51 because this baby is going to be changed next patch. (my guess)... Unless Blizzard had decided to throw the high end weapon balance out the window.
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I didnt realize there are other rewards for this quest. Very strange given how easy this guy is...

"Every class except druids and shamans get an awesme reward from this quest. Rogues, hunters, warriors can all use the crossbow; hunters, warriors, paladins can alll use this spear and any casters can use the wand which has the highest dps of all blue wands."
Id love to organize some stuff, but I think on this one its as simple as heading off to Alterac, grabbing this quest


then getting in a raid group once inside, convincing someone to flag the guy, and hopefully there are some others in the raid who want this item, and taking him down. (should take less than 5 minutes from how it sounds.)
It would be cool if we had all members who are interested in one of those three items doing it at the same time. I might just go and watch, but I cant get the quest until 51.

I think the five man thing was for a complete stunlock, we should do it with a raid like the majority of people getting this.
"Hes pretty easy to kill, we took him down with about 20 people. If you control the closest graveyard, you can just keep re-joining the battle when you res."..
Well those rewards are worth going into BG, I'm not a pvp fan at all so I have zero interest normally but those rewards will get me in there for sure :)
Hehe... well count me in if you need a healer.. :) I love BG even tho I don't like pvp... and if they are handing out prizes, I'm there :)

PS do I have to be lvl 60? what's the range we are looking at?
51 is what you need to get the quest, if you pick the polearm it vendors for 7g. With a 20 man raid group, a healer of any high level would be a nice addition.
Based on the response I got from my posting on the official wow realm forums for Terenas, I am not sure we will get much support :( BUT I have an idea, we need to rally any friends we might have and what we will do is simply go into the entrance (outside of a group) and wait until we have 20 of our guys in and we will go and do it then.
It seems smart to get this while its easy.. its basically too easy for what you are getting and they need to slow the influx of this into the economy...Thus "his spawn timer greatly lengthened" key word is greatly.