
Former Official Thread Killer
Yes you read that correctly. We have put in a bid on a house and it was accepted! :) (hence the sort of part since it is not actually ours yet)

we should close on the house on the 17th of March. :)

Thank you all for yours prayers! Please don't stop praying just yet!

I'll keep you posted! (And find a link of a picture of the house!)
how does owning the other team get u a house O_o. like.... u knifed the other team so you get the house discounted? lol jk, congratz and we're still awaiting pics ^_^
GAH! I cannot find our house pictures online anymore!!!

wait! Here is one of the outside!

I know its small... But I cant seem to find our exact house...

Anyway, please keep praying for us as there have been a few bumps (I can't get into details) however God is in control.
Ok. We are officially in the house!!! :D (Have been for about a week now. Shows you how busy we have been)

Its so nice to be with family again. :)

Now we will be spending all day Saturday emptying the storage units and unloading all the stuff into the house.:D Thank you all so much for praying and for the encouragement! God has blessed us with a nice house that is less than 30 minutes from work for both my Dad and I!