

New Member
SL group.

After the first boss fight he ran into the next room with no clothes on and intentionally wiped us and then left lol..

Don't group with this guy..

Gee sounds like a fun lovin' guy. The kind of fun that makes it's way onto my "ignore" list.
If you google warriorx Teneras, you will see he has a bit of a history. He has even made it into the "What is the worst toon you ever played with", thread in Wow forums lol..

The intentional wipe was just the icing on the cake..(for him :)
Lets just say...he is not shy about embarrassing himself..

My take on him..?
The guy hates himself..with a passion.. It's a vicious cycle..Immorality leads to self hate and then more immorality as a form of self punishment..

After he got us wiped he bragged about it on the general chat lol..
I pointed out that he did more dmg to himself then to me..
I mean..a toon can be rezzed from death.., but a raid full of priests cannot rez his damaged reputation..

Yup, he was being toasted or was that roasted on General in IF today. Apparently he did it to someone else today.
Warriorx runs in a small group with someone i warned people of before. Bumperxx is a holy paladin, he has a prot war. named Raykor. Stay away from these people! Infact, if you want to find yourself hassle free, I would be very cautious of people from the guild collision.

Warriorx is always getting hounded for leaving groups at boss fights, doing a bad job tanking, bad attitude, being nasty, etc etc.

Unfort. it seems you had to find out the hard way.
My number one rule is not to group with people that have "x"'s in the front or at the end of their names ...

Oh, wait . . .
Not my group, it was a pug that I was invited to..and I never even thought to ask the sga, but I'm leary of inviting guildies or sga'rs to pugs..when I have a bad feeling about the group..I'm in..
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