Warrior tanks


New Member
Hey all,
I have an 80 warrior I have been switching back and forth between arms and fury specs (so I can find my preference/flavor), and I think I may have figured out what works for me. With that done I’ am looking at duel specing and having my other spec a tank. Just looking for some advice from our current warrior tanks on what they feel is a good build/spec/ideas/advice :)

Thanks in advance.
Agreeing with Sam on that one. I like to check out tankspot.com for my info on tanking. My spec is a deep wounds build that is rather outdated but still viable for tanking heroics. I think imp revenge is a must have now so I'll be switching soon with the amount I'm using revenge now.
This expansion I've been rather disappointed with warrior tanks, idk >.>. Then again I guess me saying that doesn't exactly help this post lol.