

New Member
I wanted to warn people here, this morning I was looking through my emails and I had one from Blizzard saying that someone had requested my password to be reset. Well for one thing at the email came in at 4am and I am normaly sleeping at that time. A short time after that another email came from Blizzard that my account has been suspended because of spaming. I have not been in the game for the past 2 weeks.

So if anyone saw one of my characters on around 2am to 4am server time, and I was posting things unimporperate it wasn't me, those of you that have known me since I joined Redeemed would know.

I did go to the armory and saw that at least one of my characters has been stripped of everything execpt the guild crest (that is a good thing huh?) So I will be working with blizzsard today to see what can be done.

Sounds like your email account may have been compromised.
Ok so far I did get access back to my account but my items are gone like I thought. I waited for 6 hours for a GM to see what I can do to get my things back but I had to give up and see if they still email me that can be done, but now my password has been changed on my battle.net account and the email account that is registered with WoW. I also ordered a Blizzard Authenticator so I have to enter some number this gives me everytime I log on so I can't be gotten by keyloggers or some kind of virus. I don't think it was nice what whoever got into my account did to me, so I am making sure it doesn't happen again.