Wanting to join the guild


New Member
Alright, I'm an on-and-off guy when it comes to WoW(thanks to RL stuff), but I'm thinking of starting a new WoW account and rolling a character on Terenas, and being a Christian myself I naturally want to be in a guild with other Christians. In addition, the chance to represent Christ via a Christian guildname to those around me is a real plus.

So how would I tell whether or not, before I get a new WoW account and roll on Terenas, I'd actually be a good match for your guild?

In addition, I've done a bit of research on your site and it mentions the 500 character limit issue, would that hinder my chances of getting in the guild by any chance?

Thanks in advance, and God bless.
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Hey, Phrank, one of the things that we do is conduct interviews with potential new guildmates. If you PM me, I can do the interview out-of-game.
Another option would be to start a trial account and then do the interview in-game with an officer.
Don't worry about the guild limit. If we're full we'll kick an alt to make room for your main.
We have several to choose from, from the top of my head:

Sammey: Duh Shammy
Samage: Uber Cabage Mage
Samsomite: Warrior Ex-Extraordinaire
Samman: Roguette
Samalgam: DK (Drama King)