Wanting to be a member


New Member
How would one get to be a member of this guild? I was interested one day in joining a Christian guild, so I googled it and found out about you guys. I'm a newb to WoW, but it would be great to be able to join.

Good day!
Thanks for your interest in joining us!!

To join just speak with Treehouse or Goodwone. They are recruiters and can throw you an invitation.

In the meantime, head to toj.cc/wow and go to the Join Us page and fill out an app.

God bless.
Okay, sweet. But the problem is, I'm still on a trial account, and will be for 6 more days. This means I can't message anyone that doesn't have me as a friend or messages me first haha. This could be a bother so I won't ask people to do this. I think I will just wait it out until I go buy the full game activation. But if there are any really low level (like 9 haha) dwarves looking for someone to quest with, message Zeeky, that's me. :)
dude i totally would..... if my account was active >.> glad your here and welcome though