Want to Trade Tomb Raider (Steam) for XCOM Enemy Unknown


New Member
Hi Guys,

I have a copy of Tom Raider (Steam) that I would like to trade for XCOM Enemy Unknown. Let me know if you are interested.


P.S. Let me know if I should be posting this to a different thread/forum. I did not see an existing WTT thread.
You might try your luck w/ http://www.SteamTrades.com

I was gifted Payday 2 when it was on sale for $5.99 in a "secret santa" kinda thing in a group I belong to, and I just really had zero interest in playing it. I was able to trade it for Outlast & Tomb Raider, and then I traded Tomb Raider for CIV 5: Brave New World & traded Outlast for Wrack. You can really make your money go a long way, especially if you are always trying to trade up for a slightly higher value item. Keep an eye out for scammers, and if you accept a Russian Global "ROW" game gift/key, only accept it from someone who has a few hundred rep.

Try to make trades w/ people with a lot of positive rep if they are trading game keys only, or try to trade Steam gift for Steam gift.
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Thanks for the tips, SKLURB. I have seen the site before, but have been hesitant to try. Just signed up and posted my trade request there.
np! I already own TR, or I would have jumped all over this :) It's a fantastic game!

PS: I gave you a bump on the ST site. Threads get buried fast, but if you also say like: "[H] Tomb Raider [W] XCOM: Enemy Unkown, TF2 Keys, Game Gift offers," you will get more offers and free bumps. A fair price for Tomb Raider is 3 TF2 keys (TF2 keys are the most common currency on the site and widely accepted. I wouldn't bother with CS:GO or Dota 2 keys, as they have slightly/significantly less value). If someone trades you 3 TF2 keys, you can turn it around into a copy of XCOM. Some people may ask 4 TF2 keys, but if you do a search on the site, you should find someone who is selling it for 3TF2 keys, or just start offering people with good rep 3TF2 keys for XCOM. I did a quickie search and 3 keys seems very reasonable.

As for game gift offers, you never know what someone will offer. Someone might offer a more highly sought after item for turning over.
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Thanks for the bump. I tripped over someone else who was trading XCOM and they took TR for it. Worked out great. I will definitely keep that site in mind. Thanks for the explanation on keys as currency. I know very little about them.