Want to Participate in My Homework?


New Member
So, seeing as one of my teachers is CRAZY, she has given us an assignment via our syllabus that will be due the first day of class. -_-

I need a bunch of you (more than 3) to answer this question for me. It'd be awesome if you could also leave me your first name, and your last name initial.

What is your understanding of what nurses 'are' and 'do' and your definition of a 'professional'?

THANKS! I really appreciate any responses I get. =)
So, seeing as one of my teachers is CRAZY, she has given us an assignment via our syllabus that will be due the first day of class. -_-

I need a bunch of you (more than 3) to answer this question for me. It'd be awesome if you could also leave me your first name, and your last name initial.

What is your understanding of what nurses 'are' and 'do' and your definition of a 'professional'?

THANKS! I really appreciate any responses I get. =)

My understanding of what nurses are is that they are compassionate, caring, big hearted people who are wanting to ease suffering. Nurses are the backbone of the health care profession. Nurses are multi-faceted doing much more than their job descriptions.

My understanding of what nurses do is they provide health care to patients based on Dr's orders, and they do all the work that it entails.

My understanding of a professional is one who has the ability to take all their knowledge of their craft and use it effectively on a human level.

~Diana G.
My understanding of what nurses are is that they are amazing, multi-talented super heroes who often do not get the recognition that they deserve. They are the amazing "stage hands" that keep a hospital running. They are friends and ready listeners who care about the overall well being of the patient.

My understanding of what nurses do is the impossible. Everyday they seem to effortlessly complete inhuman work loads while often keeping a smile on their face.

My understanding of a professional is someone who uses what they know for the greater good with a good attitude.

Joey H.
To me, nurses are like the utility infielder of the medical system. Not too many parts of the system is without them and they are capable of filling in so many different roles.

My understanding of what nurses do... Nurses administer simple medical procedures and prepare patients for more complex ones. They also gather, sort, and deliver patient information to the physician. I know I'm missing a ton of stuff, but its 2 in the morning. Let it just be said that nurses rock!

My understanding of a professional is one that has extensive information regarding their particular field, and they are capable of using this information to provide a high level of service to their clients.

Hope your class goes well!

Troy F.
What nurses are:
Individuals who are willing to do anything necessary to comfort people and make medical issues less mentally and/or emotionally taxing for patients.

What nurses do:
They are voluntary servants of the community who have chosen to make a living at the benefit of others. While they are not the doctors who actually perform the medical practices, they choose to help the community by assisting the doctors however they can.

What professionals are:
People who devote their time and effort into something they believe is important and try to do everything within that devotion as best as they can. For example, a doctor takes and should uphold the Hippocratic Oath to devote themselves to help or at least to do no harm.

-Jared G.
what nurses 'are' and 'do' and your definition of a 'professional'?

What nurses are: An integral part of a complex team that administers care for the sick and injured.

What nurses do? Everything. While most operate under a physician, many also operate a little more freely under standing orders. But they are responsible for everything from administering medicines, bathing, dressing wounds, long-term care, and many many other things.

Professional: This one is a little trickier, because it depends on the context.

One definition is a person who is paid for their services. Such are the health care professionals. It has nothing to do with level of knowledge, attitude, or desire to complete the task - only that they manage to pass minimum required proficiencies and are willing to show up for work.

The other definition of a profession is more about attitude and desire. It indicates a mindset more than anything else. If you are professional in your approach to anything, it means that you take it very seriously. In the case of nursing, you know that people depend on you to be friendly, helpful, proficient, and be able to do it all while you're having the worst day of your life.

Having a crackhead come in at the end of your double shift, vomit all over you, insulting you, and still being able to treat him with the kindness and respect that every human deserves regardless of how they treat you... shows professionalism.

Randy J.
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Thanks, Randy and Jared and Troy. =D

That should be good! I don't want to seem like I'm kissing up to the professor by providing too many answers =P.
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I got 100% on it, although everyone who did it got that grade, too. =)

My classes are going well. Pharmacology is my hardest class, but so far I have managed to keep a B in it. =)