Want to apologize


Hey folks, I want to apologize for not being in-game more than I have.

Unfortunately RealLife has consipired between familial obligations, and work obligations to not allow me enough time for a gaming session long enough for GW.

Hopefully, I'll get a little extra free time soon.....
Kidan said:
Hey folks, I want to apologize for not being in-game more than I have.

Unfortunately RealLife has consipired between familial obligations, and work obligations to not allow me enough time for a gaming session long enough for GW.

Hopefully, I'll get a little extra free time soon.....

Family come first...maybe you could trap your family in game...:p
Good to hear from you Kidan. No apologies necessary, real life is definately more important. Hope you get a chance to particpate in Factions head-start (assuming you pre-ordered) and the "Day of the Tengu" event.
Be careful, our "Inactive" list is getting smaller; you might get booted! :p

Just kidding; RL can be a hassle sometimes, hope you come back soon. :)
Dredd is very Happy to see Kidan!! No Problems BRO! Oh and umm I know your not afraid of Mics I heard your voice in Counterstrike so ummm No Excuses in TS :D
one2dredd said:
Dredd is very Happy to see Kidan!! No Problems BRO! Oh and umm I know your not afraid of Mics I heard your voice in Counterstrike so ummm No Excuses in TS :D

I never said I was afraid of Mics...i just DESPISE TS.....and talking in general...
Ah, that pesky real life. Do what I did: get your spouse so addicted to the game that a second account becomes necessary and playing GW becomes "together time." ;)

Except for the kid and work thing, it would work perfectly...

But we have missed you!
I tried to get my wife to play, but she didn't like it for some reason :(

Oh well, I love her anyway.
I tried to get my wife to like - huummm what was it - Neverwinter Nights or something of that time. Anyway, we now play all the (non-monthly fee) type RPG games together.
RPGs were never my most favorite type of game but it makes it a whole lot better when the spouse is playing.
( We only play one RPG at a time so I guess GWs is it for a long time to come )
*wonders how his thread got hijacked by folks ages*

I tried to get my wife into gaming, but the graphics gave her motion sickness....
Kidan said:
wonders how his thread got hijacked...
Might as well say, "wonder how the sun came up today." Of course your thread got hijacked! :D

At least your thread has never been held hostage for cookies...
MaidMirawyn said:
Might as well say, "wonder how the sun came up today." Of course your thread got hijacked! :D

At least your thread has never been held hostage for cookies...

it's not so much the hijacked that gets me, but the subject that it was hijacked by....

as for the second part, since I'm a mod, I could always remove the offending post of someone trying to hold my thread hostage... :p:D
hehehe, no wrrys bout anythign kidan, we <3 joo
yeah, I too have been tied up with life related distractions, including, but not limited to: finals, papers, work, stress, and family. Hopefully I will be able to play more when school lets up (May 5). I miss you guys. Looking forward to spending more time with y'all in Tyria, and later in Cantha when I get $50 somehow.
yeah, i'll be mostly inactive over the summer, from working at a church camp June-early August. I'll try to get on when i can so i don't get kicked ;D
If you get kicked, just pm one of the officers, you can be reinvited pretty quickly. I will also try to have you invited to Spirit of Elisha if you get kicked from Spirit of Elijah.