aye...we be feeden them there to the fishessss...i be sendin my little parrot to grab them pies....ARRRRR
Ew you guys are gross....
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bug Juice[/FONT]</B>

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif](Tune: On Top of Old Smokey)[/FONT]</B>

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]At camp with the Girl Scouts,
They gave us a drink,
We thought it was Koolaid,
Because it was pink.

But the thing that they told us,
Would have grossed out a moose,
For that good tasting pink drink,
Was really bug juice.

It looked fresh and fruity,
Like tasty Koolaid,
But the bugs that were in it,
were murdered with Raid.

We drank by the gallons,
We drank by the ton,
But then the next morning,
We all had the runs.

Next time you drind bug juice,
And a fly drives you mad,
He's just getting even,
Because you swallowed his dad.