
it has a point.  the problem is that the point died the instant the second post reared its ugly head.

incidentially, the second post was from Shark...
Really, this was a useless post. I didn't really expect this much attention from it. I was bored at work, and didn't have much else to say.

Para was right...

well i would think he would be pleasantly surprised if the posts randomly came up with the theory for cold fusion or something.
I bet we could postulate time travel in one of these things. See, I think it's just not possible. Because, what would happen if you saw yourself? Then would you be able to time travel? But, if you did see yourself in the past, then you wouldn't have made it to the point where you could travel back meaning you REALLY DIDN'T go back and see yourself and....uh....
"We are charged with a quest from God to find the holy grail. If you would let us sleep the night, with food and water, we will allow you to join us on our quest." "Uh no thanks, we have already got one. *whisper* I just told them we already have one hehe." "Oh really? Then can we come up and see it?" "No, you are british pigs!" "What, if your not british then what are you?" "I am french you silly stupid king!" "Then what are you doing in britain?" "None of your business! I fart in your general direction!" "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!" "Odd man isnt he?"
I am thoroughly surprised that this post has made it this far, what with 30+ replies already. It has been a success! And what is amazing, there was only one post where a n00b said something about pwning everyone. Thats SUCCESS!

[b said:
Quote[/b] (TheElite @ Feb. 11 2003,3:56)]I am thoroughly surprised that this post has made it this far, what with 30+ replies already. It has been a success! And what is amazing, there was only one post where a n00b said something about pwning everyone. Thats SUCCESS!

ack! he was talking about me I think

/pwned topic
Mahfrot, advanced physics has some cool stuff man...

Regarding time travel, the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower you age...

For example if you could travel half the speed of light around the universe for 10 years, and then came back to earth, everyone here would have aged significantly more than your 10 years...

Well get this. The current theory is that if you could actually travel the speed of light, you wouldn't age at all.

Based on the bible we know that God's essense is light, that He IS light. So part of God's omnipresense is that fact that He is everywhere, all the time AT ALL TIMES (past present and future).

Have I lost you yet?

God IS past present and future simaltaneously. Thats why He could say "I am."

And thats why when Jesus died on the cross all of our sins, past/present/future were covered.

It goes alot deeper, but I'll let you do the research yourself, just wanted to add some depth to this thread for Elite's sake.

gg physics. Disproving atheists, agnostics and non-creationists one theory at a time.