

New Member
It has been a year since I joined these forums!


I know you are all as excited as I am about this. I even took the day off of work to celebrate this joyous occasion!


(Yes, I am joking.)
I'm coming to the conclusion that Shark is a phr43k.

Thats not neccesarily a bad thing... just helps us avoid confusion when you respond DIE MILK FACE to Elite being here a year
Ah, my son - you are not familiar in the art of "l337" speak!

PHREAK = Ph|234|<

Much training you require, yes. Training will I not do, time I have not for you. Dagobah you will go to...
I think shark has issues with you elite... i read 4 different posts and all have been shouting at you...lol
*makes his late enterance*

*does an Irish jig infront of everyone*

*waves hands like he has a tamberene*


Hey Z

Can I talk to u in dod when I get home on my server.
I need to ask u sumthing.
That I do not wont to make allthe tojers mad at me.

And uther stuff about uther stuff

And elite I need to talk to u also but I did not scachol it yet.

I will tho
Elite, i would suggesting not trying to consume shark as anyone that phreakish will obviously give j00 heart burn.

*slaps zealot for being a nub in front of company*