So, I've been looking into this.
On the one hand, it would ban the sale of M and AO games to kids. But their parents could still buy them and give them to their kids. I'm 100% okay with this.
On the other hand, since Indie games are typically not submitted to the ERSB, it would ban the sale of Indie (and possibly foreign) games in the U.S.
That's not good.
I figure the ERSB would have to start rating Indie games.
Two problems that you can drive a tank through:
1. What if I buy games online? I mean, they could probably fine the pants off of Steam, but what if I buy direct?
2. If I am an Indie developer and my livelyhood comes from my games (they are out there,) this law directly damages my right to a livelyhood -- and that's not going to fly.