Video complete


Just to let you guys know, my experimental video is now complete. Now I just have to figure out a way to get it on the internet. I've already sent it in to
but have not gotten any responses yet. I'm currently trying to contact my web page administrator because I can't seem to access my account there, so does anybody have any suggestions as to posting it anywhere? I tried geocities, but something as simple as "Rebecca.exe" was considered as an invalid file name. Its very discouraging.

But once I get this posted and you guys like it, we can get started on a guild movie. What you think?
I need to know what size it is to arrange to have it put on server and linked to KoTT webpage. Just post here and I'll get it done this weekend (or first part of next week when I'm off).

Malohaut I got a chance to download the video on the site and I have to say its excellent
. I like the whole way the video was done and the camera angles you used on the video were some of the best I have seen in all the videos, not to mention the song went very well with the video. I would love for KoT to start the filming process of a guild movie

From what I have seen in that movie you definately have the talent to be one of the most credited DAoC film makers yet.
Thank you for your kind compliments Colbi. But I have to admit that this was just kind of thrown together and a lot of the shots were improvised. But I have learned a lot, and I know the value of storyboarding (which I will do next time) and dividing the filming into scenes rather than organizing the entire thing at once.

So now here's the next step. We need some sort of script or suggestion for our next movie/video. Should we hold a script contest or something or does anybody have any suggestions?

Also, who wants to be a part of the film making team? Or is there another film being worked on that we can help finish? Like Colbi's film. I wouldn't mind trying to help him with that.

So anyway, let me know.
I would like to submit my storyboard to you, Malohaut, we are not far enough in from having us started where we left off with my video.

Please feel free also if you think some scenes should be changed with my storyboard to change it to the way that you think we can best make the KoT video.
Wow, I just got to watch it from the Allakhazam site. I am so thrilled. Very nice job Ken! I hope to see many more soon and if you need Jaz or any of her alts on for the new movie let blednnyn know or email me and ill be sure to take part as best I can. God bless and great work!