Version 2.0

Is there beta testing?

Beta testing was the dog before the first one

Nice!! Congratulations. You're gonna name it Bill if it's a boy and Billina if a girl right?

Bill I'd name it after you, but my Grandpa's name is Bill and I don't need my kid getting confused when I call for them and a retired cowboy with a handlebar mustache shows up.

I think you should name em' Dradow.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand no...

I wouldn't do that... if you name your kid Dradow there is a strong possibility he'll look like this when he runs...


Can I refer to him as "bruh" his entire life?

As long as you spell it out every time you say it. Don't want it getting confused with lady undergarments...
Congrats bro - when I read this I didn't realize you meant you and your wife were expecting - I thought you were making a gnome for cataclym beta (admittedly a strange thing to post).

May God watch over this little one.
For all I know it will be a gnome 'cause I think Samboe is a gnome irl. Cataclysm tho - there is a real one coming.

I think this picture will prove that I am far from a small man... I'm gigantic compared to this kid...
