
I just got it last night for my Birthday, I am having a really hard time getting the hang of it... I think it would be good to at least have an information thingy...
Does Vanguard offer a free trial?
Sadly, no free trial

I believe Vanguard is functioning on a shoestring budget. They had to release because they ran out of money. I took the chance and bought the game. It is buggy, but visually beautiful. It also seems HUMONGOUS! Huge maps and over 15 gigs after install. The size of it is what interests me most... tons of races.

Is this something anyone else might try?

I only have about 15 minutes in game right now. I am about to try more (on the RP - Preferred server).

In game I am Brohden on the RP Preferred server. Still trying to understand the different servers.
Looks like there's some interest bein drummed up here. A quick story:

About two years ago I got excited about the beta of Guild Wars. I found a small guild and brought their three members and myself to Tek, and said, "Let's run with this thing." It has grown since then into the SoE you see today, with approx 140 members and about 60 allied members.

The reason I say this is to hopefully have someone step out in faith and lead a Vanguard guild. If what you're looking for does not yet exist, it may take some effort, recruiting, and prayer, but I would be happy to assist in any way I can as the MMO Section leader. If anyone is interested in taking leadership of a new guild, please shoot me a PM.
Sadly, I have lost my interest in Vanguard. Still feels... half-done... ??

It does look beautiful in many ways, but a bit much for my machine and many quests are incomplete (or I just can't find the end of them).
I take back my last post...

I am quickly enjoying Vanguard more and more. Previously, I said that I had lost interest in Vanguard. This is no longer true. Sure, there are bugs in the system, and it has much development left to be done. Still, the game is fun, beautiful and vast. Anyone else playing? I think I have settled on a server/realm for now (though I am open to moving). Currently, my main is Brohden on the Flamehammer server. I can only play an hour or so per day (working and studying).
I still play, kinda...I think I am on Thunderaxe, or something like that...I am a level 8 or 9...I forget been a week or two since I have played, (Got a Wii!).
[]WildBillKickoff;209830 said:
About two years ago I got excited about the beta of Guild Wars. I found a small guild and brought their three members and myself to Tek, and said, "Let's run with this thing." It has grown since then into the SoE you see today, with approx 140 members and about 60 allied members.

Now I'm probably wrong but What's your SoE stand for? Because, I always used SoE for Sony online Entertainment. Which, after what they did to Star Wars Galaxies, I vowed to never play another SoE game again. Vanguard looks interesting, but I don't trust Sony and they like to make choices on their games without listening to the communities that are playing them... big thumbs down in my opinion. Hopefully, that won't happen to your game though.
Hey I have a level 25 ranger and 11 warrior on Florendyl (Roleplaying preferred) server. My guild, Chosen Legacy is a mature, family friendly guild but not "Christain" per say. Basic charter is:

The basics of our charter are that we are a family friendly guild created by a group of like minded gamers who believe in having a quality gaming experience in which we all help each other and have fun. Roleplaying is preferred, not enforced. Cursing is prohibited, including implied cursing. (Please refrain). We are a group of mature players and seek to grow our guild into a name that is well liked and untarnished amongst the world in which we live in. Just have fun and play nice, all the rest of the details fall into place after that.

If your interested please send me a /tell