Using WoW on a slower system?

Neirai the Forgiven

Christian Guilds List Manager
Some of us haven't upgraded our computers or bought new ones since WoW Classic came out. Some of us are running WoW on laptops that don't have graphics cards, only graphics chips. And some of us just get framerate issues. This leads to choppy graphics when flying, in certain instances, and while doing certain events.

And then there's Dalaran.

Anyhow, I bring you a solution: WoW++. It's a small mod that dynamically adjusts your graphics settings to keep your frames up. I find it allows me to walk through lag spots, even Dalaran, lag free. Then, when I'm out in high-frame areas, I get my nice graphics back.

WoW++ also does the following:
- Merges your friends and ignore lists and makes them unlimitedly big. I really like this option, because after 4 years of play, I have more than 25 of each.
- Gives you a "sort bag" button on your bags. This is supposed to "intelligently" sort your bags. I haven't touched it yet.
- Automatically ignores or temporarily ignores gold spammers and other forms of spammers. *I found this to be a little buggy at times (it started compulsively opening my guild list and would hang for 5 seconds each time I closed it) so I deactivated this portion.*
- Has the option of "autohiding" your interface when you're not mousing over it. I don't use this myself, but you might.
Should mention there's a few annoying errors in WoW++, I'm thinking of looking at the mods it was derived from and seeing if I can figure them out.
For the first time yesterday, Atrestes visited Daralan. Wow! The lag! If that was how it went with WoW++, I do not want to go there without it! It was worse than Shatt or IF ever were for me!
Sigh, it's actually pretty buggy, but I still use it because I like being able to walk around in Dalaran... :(

Looking for a mod that does this that isn't as buggy.