Update - Wednesday September 14

C'mon guys, there's no point in getting all worked up over who killed who...sorry, bad Monty Python joke. :D

But in all seriousness, why are we arguing anyway? I'm sure a happy medium can be reached where vibro can cut down on the Windows-bashing and sarcasm (not completely, someone needs to keep up the Crusade against MS... ;) ), and CS and the rest of us can all take a breather and compose ourselves.

Such bickering is pointless anyway; what is there to gain? A divided, bitter SoE? None of us want that.

So guys, just let it go.
what is there to gain? A divided, bitter SoE? None of us want that.

Speak for yourself i'm here to demoralze and destroy this establishment... wait
JUST KIDDING!!! <_< >_> :p

BTW: whats the argument about, i've just skipped it for the most part, and i dont feel like reading everything. too tired....
Speak for yourself i'm here to demoralze and destroy this establishment...

Lol, carry on, then. :p

In a nutshell, vibro made some negative, sarcastic comments about MS and Windows (as usual) and CS, reaching the breaking point, told him off.
Stay on topic here or I will be closing this thread thanks you!

I hear the Rit Lord Build has been pretty much nurfed with this update? Has anyone ran into any other problems with this update yet? I like most of the changes what I have read.
I don't know the Rit Lord build yet, my Rit did just make it to Kaineng at lvl 17 and got max armor last night. I did notice that the recharge had been reduced on union and pain. That was a help in her current build.

I also noticed the improved recharge on signet of disruption. It says reduced recharge, but GuildWiki hasn't been updated (see the history page) and it said 20 seconds already. strange.
maybe its a bug in the interface? I know they had some issues with the interface saying one thing and it doing another awhile back.