United states military finds chemical weapons

Tom, I don't think that most people who opposed the war believed/believes Saddam. Rather, we just did not believe that war was the solution. The difference, as you can see, is huge.

As I understand it, using Reuters as a middle ground, the missiles are BELIEVED to contain Saarin and Mustardgas, but their contents are as yet untested and, therefore, unverified.

There have been other "finds" that have turned out to be either circumstantial or else plain wrong. This one looks a bit more conclusive, but we should wait for the facts.

Hmm. I havn't heard anything else about this in the news, but word on the street has it that the Serin found yesterday was pesticide. Odd, the Washington Post is a credible newspaper.

As for people believing Saddam over Bush. What I meant was that a lot of people were saying that Iraq had no WMDs, which indirectly agrees with what the government of Iraq was saying. I still disagree with that, despite what this recent report shows. I'd be willing to wager, however, that the US may not find anything as Hussein likely would have rid himself of anything incriminating. The last thing he wants to do is give the US justification for the war.

One thing that looks suspicious is the chem suits found with Iraq's military though.
Rather more telling are the syringes of Atropine...

I would dump in my pants if they found sarin in Iraq.  you know how powerful that stuff is?  like 1ml can kill off a room full of people.  makes you lose all control over your nerves, etc. etc. - ANY contact with your skin will start the chain of events.  gas masks can't prevent it - they reach the breakdown point too quickly with sarin, and you just end up breathing it in.


and to think, this is a Nazi project during WW2... tested on the Jews in the camps, of course. free subjects.

they were good, I'l grant them that. very few chemical weapons have topped sarin and its successor (of which very little was made, and whose name escapes me now) - the one I can think of off the top of my head is VX nerve gas...
Considering that the US SOLD Iraq Chem/Bio weapons in the 80s, it's very likely the Iraqis played with them since.

As for believing saddam: BWAHAHAHAHHHAHAh I laugh at that poor miserable tinpot dictator. He needs to go, NOW.

As for war: This is very unlike WWII. In WWII, Hitler had already invaded much of Europe, with no hope of stopping (the Soviets may have eventually won, but that wouldn't have been good.) This time, bombing innocent civilians is not a solution. Dresden and Tokyo were not solutions (firebombings) and neither is this. There should be an easier way, but since most of us puny humans can't seem to find one, the US forces one down. Sad, eh?
I don't think the US/UK/AUS soldiers are in Iraq with the purpose of bombing innocent civilians. Iraqi soldiers are there with that purpose.

I think most of us abhors war, because no matter how precise (or not) your targeting is , innocent people get into the crossfire. I believe God has grace for those that have been duped and deceived by their leaders into either passivity or the wrong action. One thing that came to mind in the last few days. I believe that what is written in Revelation will come to pass (pre trib/post trib/mid trib) and one of the things that we all will agree on is that this war will usher in a new world order. The US/UK coalition are effectively bringing the end of the UN in the foreseeable future leaving a vacuum for another entity to fill ... who and what that would be is open for discussion, but what it will imply, is a further period id instability in the world and that would play (for me) into most scriptures referring to "wars and rumours of wars" etc ...

What do you guys think ?
If not before... I get rather tired of the Doomsayers.

Once upon a time it was the UN that was supposed to be this world spanning community - now that's been shown as the divided, fracted, mess it always was.

Then it was the EU... Well, you saw how THAT worked out...

Bahhhhh.... You Christian's amuse me - you insist on behaving like an opressed minority, when the only people you're opressed by are yourselves!

how so?

the general consensus in politics is to favor the "minorities", which is everything except the white, middle class, male Christian
I'm not a Christian - but I AM Middle Class, white and male. Why am I any better off than you are?

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Nspire @ April 08 2003,11:58)]I think people have been saying "The end is near." The day after Jesus went to heaven.  
Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God is near.

"Warning, objects in bible may appear closer than in real life."

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Mr_Eon @ April 11 2003,2:32)]"Warning, objects in bible may appear closer than in real life."
*is reminded of the Far Side cartoon with the large monster eye filling up the car mirror*

And I made this comment in another post somewhere but I stand by it:

"There is nothing, I repeat NOTHING in our lives, in our communities, in our countries, or in this world to which Jesus does not apply."