under attack


New Member
i'm under attack.. satan's trying to get me every way possible and i don't know what to do! it sucks.. i just want to scream... this has been by far the worst day i've had in a LONG time.... this really really sucks.....................pray for me
Hey hey hey, chin up kiddo, don't think of that ugly horned idiot, think of God. Be positive and you'll have a positive day dude.
hey guys, thanks for all the prayer, things are really getting out of control, i feel like satan is controlling my parents and really trying to get at me... it's just not cool, my parents are over re-acting about everylittle thing, now i know some of you older members (and prolly younger ones) will side with my parents but i'm so ticked off right now i dont know what to do! except come to you guys for prayer and advice i will post my story later if i feel like getting into details, some of you who i consider great mentours will be receiving and email or an instant message or somthing from me, i need guidance and help, i will talk to you all later, thanks for praying, please keep 'em coming.....
My prayers are with you.

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38 & 39
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Heh, Beloved i know how you are feeling right now, me and my parents are in some arguements right now since i want to continue my life back in Belle Chasse, Louisiana since nothing is wronge in my community and school is opening up soon and i can go work also. Yet they want me to stay here until the last minute and then leave this school (which just makes me more mad i have to go to another school) and then continue at my school back home right when it starts again...because of this my parents get on my case about every little thing i do like ask that we get internet which we just got...
Praying!! Don't give Satan power. He was created by God and still has to answer to God (read Job). So don't give him power over you. Trust God and listen for his still small voice.