Thanks to everyone who participated in last night's safari! With the help of Flame, Elader (a.k.a. Pandamonium), Lethalon, Shadra, and Bagheera, I was able to collect a Core Hound from Hyjal, a Fen Strider from Zangarmarsh, Tyrantus from Netherstorm, and an Ice Steppe Bull from The Storm Peaks. None of the rare spawns we checked for (Gondria, Loque'nahak, Arcturis, Skoll, and others) were up, but the journey was, in many ways, its own reward.
We also discovered that Petopia's information on Rock Borers (red shale spiders) is incorrect. The lowest level Rock Borer is level 82, not level 80. But we blitzed through The Stonecore (which is a really cool-looking instance) anyway.
After making our way back to Stormwind, we visited the Darkmoon Faire in hopes of finding the legendary Darkmoon Rabbit but, alas, he was not up when we checked.
Finally, we returned to Goldshire to discover a massive number of skeletons inside the inn.
Shortly after, we called it a night!
And as promised, here are screenshots!

Party members gather in Stormwind.

Posing for a group picture back in Stormwind after the safari.

Here's our party (minus Flame) off the shore of Darkmoon Island. EDIT: Water striders rock!

The Goldshire inn was filled with skeletons when we returned from the Darkmoon Faire.
I logged on earlier today while my daughter napped, gave away a fair amount of crafting supplies and goodies from my various characters' banks, accidentally right-clicked a Savory Deviate Delight recipe (d'oh!), and said my farewells.

Ulfbrikt says farewell to Stormwind and Azeroth with Humar the Pridelord and his Celestial Dragon at his side.
Thanks again to everyone who made my time in Redeemed, whether this last month or years ago or anywhere in between, such a wonderful experience. I know that our guild is not as large as it once was during the days of Wrath and Cata, but it's greatly encouraging to me to see that Redeemed lives on as a place for Christian gamers to enjoy each others' fellowship, have a great time, and glorify God through gaming.
While it's unlikely I'll return to WoW, it's not outside the realm of possibility. Blizzard could start sending free 7-day passes to players with inactive accounts again. WoW could even move to a hybrid free-to-play/subscription model if player numbers drop low enough across both Western and Eastern regions.
If I return, I hope to join as many of you as are then still active and play together. If I don't play WoW again, I hope to see you all in other games.