Uldaman Raid : The experience


New Member
That was a lot of fun last night.

Not only was it fun, it was a learning experience. So here is my feedback:

1. The lowest levels can not go exploring...that is a big no no. Pulling monsters on to the group causes melko's hair to standup, and mine to fallout.

2. Keep thy healer alive. We did a good job of that and it is worth keeping in mind all the time. If a healer pulls a monster onto themselves, go and get that monster.

3. Uldaman instance is a big monster instance. Next guild raid will be a lower level instance.

4. Timing is everything...8pm EST means 8pm EST plus or minus 15 minutes (I can understand log in issues, I had them last night.)

5. I will in the future set up before hand directions on how to get to the meeting point. I will endeavour to ensure all meeting places take place in alliance friendly territory. So please get to know where the little outposts are such as Thelsamar, Kharonos, Goldshire, Sentinal Hill and Auberdine are and how to get to them. We will not ever meet in Iron-Lag-Forge.

6. Have fun, lots of fun. But also pay attention to the raid leaders and your groups. I will try to keep a fair balance in the groups, based on experience (actual play experience), lvls, and complimentary skills. So take a look at the group you have been assigned and if you have any questions about it, ask.

7. Looting...rules will be discussed before we head out. And I will come up with some general rules to follows and post them here

Anyway...I think it was a success and fun was had by all. I've come away with some lessons. And with that, I will plan our next event a little better. I think we will do a back door Gnomer boss run next. Gnomer is about 10 - 15 lvls lower then Uldaman and is in Alliance friendly territory, and it may happen as fast as this weekend.
That was my first experience playing in a group of larger than 3 people. It was definately a learning experiance for me. Especially in a place with spawns much stronger than me. Most usually playing with myself I have a habit if getting in there and trying to fight for myself, but I saw how much I had to restrain my urges to run to the front and fight. I still need some practice, but I only died once when we actually got into Uldaman, so I think I could have done a lot worse.

This is RootbeerZebr by the way, I'm kind of a guest among you guys. I tried playing a couple of these online games, but most of the time I got discouraged because of the lack of a friendly community, so I was really excited when I heard about you, and I'm looking forward to playing and learning more from you guys.
i would say go front door for gnomer, doesnt take much longer you hit 3-4 more bosses for drops for people plus the clean room is kinda fun to explore, the different rooms in gnomer are cool.
Who all went on the Uldaman raid? Was it a guild group? ...And who wouldnt wanna keep the healer alive?
Sounds like it was a blast! Who all went, and what was everyone's levels?
13 to start, then Ichtus had to leave so 12 to end.

I believe the top five levels were:

Melko : 60
Ruth : 50
Boazz : 49
Bannard : 49
Samuraij : 42

Now I am flying by the hip:

Litsafalda : 27
Evicara : 38
Ansley : 39
Blagora : 20
Rootbeer? : 16
Ictushoot : 39
Beau : 20 or 21ish
Zonrak : 18

Strictly guild only. Could have picked up a few others...but I really did prefer guild only. The instance can be done by a group of 5 lvl 45 to 49s. And we had that in our top five levels.

Half of the fun was just trying to navigate half way through the badlands...the little guys agro'ed everything!!! Then a few lvl 60 horde showed up, a few times. Thankfully, another party was leaving the instance at one the hordes showing up so all of us together pulverized them!!!


Maybe we can do a front door run of gnomer. There are some interesting things to do and see. And it won't add too much time...and if it is on the weekend, there will be more time to devote to it.
I think it was a good thing for us as a whole. With all of the tentions here lately as well as my own personal probs it was very nice to just play to have fun.
I am up for gnomer. If we could hammer out the details now, it will do a lot to ensure people are there on the scheduled date.
I totally forgot about BFD because I didn't run it. :p I'll put that on the list. I understand its a fairly small instance, kind of like the Stockade. And the contested land it is in is meant for characters around lvl 20.
its not small by any portion. warlocks are your best friend there too (under water breathing 1 breating 0 )
I have the stockades and i need more BFD quests for my warlock, but where ever everyone wants to go is perfectly ok with me :)
yeah lets raid stockades WOOT 40man raid there would fill the place ^_^ we could each have our own roo.. cell.
IMO...the skill level in Choose Joy rivals the best of them. We may not be the best,,, but the fact we could keep alive lvl 16s and 18s and 20s in Uldaman is a testiment to something :)


When you raid an instance...you don't get credit for quests you may have left to do. So having the quests before raiding Uld or Gnomer is really of no benefit other then maybe you and a few others want to start a group after and do the instance as a group.
i wish certain drops didnt have level requirements then my lvl 12 rogue could go on BRD/UBRS run and get daggers ^_^ though rogues still are weak and need that kind of power at lvl 12 to be able to do anything LOL
just looked at some of the SS from here, must say:

Thank you for giving my priestest a good run through on the instance, hopefully she will be leveled and ready to go in a couple of weeks when i get home to do some major running with either Eorll or Jambres (PLZ be ready for jambres LOL ) GJ Evi priestest FTW.

Much love litsa but Evi has my (Jambres/Eorll) heart for duo...