
Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Starting in January of this year, I began having stomach problems. These problems disrupted my honeymoon but soon quieted down after I returned home. My stomach has been oversensitive since then and the symptoms have flared back up now and then.

When the problems first surfaced, I thought it might be related to the stress of the wedding (I got married January 1) or a temporary stomach flu or virus. Since the problem is recurring, I've recently began to consider the possibility that I have a stomach ulcer.

Many of the family and friends with whom I've spoken agree that the symptoms point to an ulcer. My mother-in-law purchased a pack of Prilosec as her mother-in-law says that the drug helped her deal with bleeding ulcers. Today is my third day taking the Prilosec with no noticeable improvement, but the package says to wait one to four days for full effect.

There are many mornings when I wake up nauseous and paranoid; the nausea usually subsides by mid-afternoon. I'd describe the nausea as feeling like my something is slowly swimming in my lower intestines OR as though something is boiling in my lower intestines.

I can no longer eat dairy products without guaranteeing a bout of gas. (My apologies for including the icky details.) I have been taking a "precautionary" generic anti-gas tablet every time I eat dairy products or drink milk and it seems to help some.

The symptoms do not seem to be consistent with any activity or dietary choices. I'm not overly stressed. I have no known allergies. I and my wife drink filtered water.

So, after six months of suffering these stomach problems, I've made an appointment for August 8 with a local doctor. I do not have insurance, I'm unemployed, and I return to college for my senior year this fall. Finances are very tight, so my parents have been kind enough to send me a check to cover my medical expenses.

Please pray that the symptoms relent until August 8 so I am able to function in my daily life until then. I ask that you also pray that the treatment I receive will successfully eliminate this awful problem from my body.

I have several other prayer requests, but I'll post them in a separate thread.
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I will keep you in my prayers.

One thought this could be something like Acid Reflux which is something I have suffered with. If you eat certain foods late at night (spicy food, dairy, citrus, alchol, caffeine, mint, ect) it causes an acid build up that seeps down your throat and when you wake up you generally have either a sore throat or a stomach ache.
My prayers are with you Tek.
Some ulcers are caused by bacteria and antibiotics should clear them up. While milk is a common remedy thought to soothe the ulcers the symptoms you describe after consuming milk products can actually irritate an ulcer. Yogurt seems to work to ease some of the pain and I have also heard a glass of red wine with meals does the trick. Hopefully it will help ease, or better yet eliminate the pain until you see the doctor.
Tek7 said:
So, after six months of suffering these stomach problems, I've made an appointment for August 8 with a local doctor.
My appointment is today at 2PM Central (in approximately two hours and ten minutes). Please pray that all goes well, that I am cured of this ulcer (or whatever it is), and that the treatment will be inexpensive.
August 8, 2005 Update

I just returned from the doctor's office. I had to wait over two hours to see the doctor. After explaining my symptoms and situation to the doctor, he prescribed a medicine similar to the Prilosec OTC. The medicine is a temporary, not a permanent, solution.

So, in short, my visit to the doctor's office today was a complete waste of my parent's money and three hours of my and my wife's time.

Please pray that my wife and I do not contract any airborne diseases from the other patients in the waiting room where we sat for over two hours.

I'm very frustrated right now as I do not have the money to purchase health insurance and undergo the various tests necessary to receive treatment that will permanently eradicate what is causing these problems. I feel as though I'm simply waiting for the symptoms to return. I want whatever is causing these problems out of my system, permanently.

Please pray that the ulcers, if that's what is causing my symptoms, do not start bleeding. Hospitalization would cost far more than treatment and I can not afford it.

Over and above that, please pray that the Lord heals my body of whatever is plaguing me. I don't need to understand what it is or how it damages my body for the Lord to heal me. I just want it, whatever "it" is, gone, and permanently.
March 14, 2006 Update

I've had some stomach problems these last few days. I'm starting to think that the "episodes" are brought on by stress as this last week has been difficult.

I'm going to be looking into getting health insurance, but it will cost at least $100 a month. My wife and I live on student loans and I graduate in May. That means that I have to start re-paying my student loans in November. I do not yet have a job for after I graduate, which is terrifying in and of itself.

Please pray that the Lord will use a miracle or a doctor (I'm not picky) to heal whatever is wrong with my stomach.

I'll post another thread about my job search.
April 30, 2006 (overdue) update

I visited a doctor Thursday, March 16 while in Tulsa. The doctor prescribed three antibiotics to eliminate the source of the ulcers. My parents covered the expenses, including the doctor's office visit and the prescriptions. Since I don't have insurance, it came to quite a large sum. I wouldn't have been able to afford the medicine on my own, and would have just had to go on living with ulcers otherwise. So much love and thanks to my parents.

I took the antibiotics over the course of three weeks, and the problem has not yet resurfaced. There is the possibility of a relapse, but so far, I've only had a few episodes of "butterflies" during stressful times (which is perfectly normal and not nearly as upsetting as the episodes I used to have).

In short, it appears as though the ulcers are gone for good. Hallelujah! :D