Ubuntu Christian Edition?

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hehehe, and you know your kids will never figure out how to break the security in linux :p

what you do is build a computer with no cd rom or floppy, stick this in your kids room and keep the filters updated, you could probably do it all via ssh and your kids would never know you are monitoring them :p


Frankly it seems an attempt to get people who don't know enough about pc's to switch over to Linux merely for a built-in web filter.

Frankly, I think it would be much easier to tell my router to deny internet access to my kid's computers when they're not supposed to be on, and to also just use a packet sniffer to randomly sample what messages are being sent out and coming in over my network.

both of those tools are already a part of my 'tool set' without the hassle of having to teach my wife or kids Linux. Frankly I want my son to use Windows because that's what is used in most of the computers out there. If later he wants to learn linux on his own, that's fine, but Windows is where it's at.
what does a kid need to learn, just set them up with kde. show them where the browser, im client(if you choose to allow them) and the word processor is.

Shoot my dad used linux for a short time when he sorta blew up his partition, he liked how fast it was compared to windows, he just didnt want to miss out on microsoft word :p

If you stick someone in front of something and tell them they can use it, they tend to quickly learn it.

and what if the kid uses a proxy? unless you are filtering content, its pretty hard to catch that.
But, I can see where this would have some practical applications. As a moderately tech-savy parent, setting up all of the firewall and content filter and permissions and privacy filter and AV scanner and Spy-ware scanner and email scanner-filters (all running on the firewall, without it crashing), well that takes a considerable amount of time. Having an OS such as this, bundled together, being an open source freeware is not a bad thing.

I use gentoo, totally unbiased :p

In general you will find most debian users to, er, snobby. I recommend against people using ubunti first time because the forums have a fairly bad ratio of newbs to people who know what to do.

I find little about their site marketing anything then what it is, it is simply a linux distro ment to be easy to use.
ive heard ubuntu works extremely well with wine, would this edition work just as well?
all of the major distros work about the same with wine. But some distros like to give you a ton of bloat for free.
see the thing is, with centos ive had nothing but proplems with wine, first like all fonts dont work, then i install fonts and now only half of them work, and wine wont play HL, SC, and GW crashes it, so i thought ubuntu might be a better distro to try with wine
Go with gentoo if you dont mind spending several days compiling. The fond problem is probably because you dont have corefonts installed. If you are using wine mainly for gaming, you should get winex from cvs, it has many enhancements for wine, and gw works out of the box last I tried.
Zeth sakkaku # emerge -s corefonts
[ Results for search key : corefonts ]
[ Applications found : 1 ]

*  media-fonts/corefonts
      Latest version available: 1-r2
      Latest version installed: 1-r2
      Size of files: 3,842 kB
      Homepage:      http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/
      Description:   Microsoft's TrueType core fonts
      License:       MSttfEULA

here is the site to get winex from cvs, I would try that on cent and see how well it likes it.
yeah dude i installed corefonts and everything, i'll try winex though.
when you start gw in linux try it with $ wine <path to gw.exe>/Gw.exe -dx8 -noshaders

also it is best if your card supports everything the game is capable of dishing out, or it gets really interesting trying to run stuff

the wine directory for your user will be in ~/.wine/
which will have some folder and drive_c or something like that with the windows junk.
no worky, the ubuntu christian edition didt install and the overall install steps seemed buggy.
o0o, ive never used ubuntu so I cant comment, I do everything manually now, I would rather configure everything from scratch then having to reconfigure what someone else thought I would need...
well i just downlaoded ubuntu regular and its installing just fine in 1/10th the time the christian edition was having trouble trying to do. and for n00bs we need GUI so yeah >.>
the nice thing about the gentoo way is that they have some of the best documentation ever made for installing an OS, it may seem hard to look at it, but a complete n00b can follow the directions and have a working install.

GUIs are more of a hindrance then a help. If you ever want some fun read into the philosophy of how people make guis and they will comment on why people feel comfortable with what, and why they choose to do things a certain way.

If you want an easy to use system, go with ubuntu, suse or mandrake. If you want speed and ability to do practically anything, go with gentoo.

I prefere to have a command line because when the gui blows up, atleast their is a friendly face waiting underneath :p
Ubuntu Christian Edition wasn't started by the Ubuntu team, rather, some guy by the alias of mhancoc7 from Japan. It's considered third-party and not supported, so that is why there are probably tons of bugs.
old news, what is fun is to get 4-8 jump drives and put them all in a raid 0. It is sweet how fast those buggers are. The laughable thing is that I have yet to find an easy way to raid usb outside of unix-base. Windows doesnt like usb devices, expecially hard disks.
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