TY for coming to practice

The Mighty Gerbil

Tribe of Judah TF 2 Chapter Leader & CGA Admin
Staff member
Thanks to all who helped out for Sunday practice. Post any strategy ideas you may have in our secret competition team forums http://www.cgalliance.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32003 .

I'm sorry about the password not working for several people (poor Darkbot never got in). I re-input it several times via rcon sv_password but it only seemed to work for a couple times and then it would stop. Changes to the server.cfg have been made but we were using a sta config. I certainly hope this doesn't happen on Match day but I have no idea what the problem could be :/.

I think this practice ran a bit long but some people did not show until late and I wanted some practice with them.
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I was in Tulsa and hanging out with Elihu Sunday night, but I've loaded cp_follower on the server and plan to join and have a look around before the match tonight.