Two to Australia


New Member
Our daughter Irina and her best friend Olga are leaving today for Australia to visit family and give testimony and witness etc.

Irina has been saving for years. They are roughly 19 to 20 years old.

It is a long swim. ;-> please pray for their strength! :) oops...

actually, please pray that God is preparing hearts there to accept the Gospel.

and pray that God will be glorified in all they purpose and do over the next 5 weeks there... and... that His purpose to seek and save the lost would be fulfilled (and more) in this visit.

Thank you and blessings!

- Robert & Svetlana
sounds like such an adventure and such an awesome experience....i pray that they are safe and happy and givers of the gospel while they are over there.
they arrived today at around 2pm pst.

when they arrived it was 17 hours ahead like 9 in the morning australia time.

awesome huh?

praise God!

- rh