TV pastors

Perople have a tendincy to want to believe. Because one day they coulld have a health problem, and they need to show that we believe now, so in the future if they ever need that miracle, it would be easies for them to get it. It sounds selfish but we're only human.
Let me tall you something about benny hin since i have met, since i have been to one of the crusades, and since my brother works for him. Let me tell you that i can feel the holy spirit present in the place, why? He must be doing something right? Hes preaching hope and why? Why should he? Because hew ants to live for the lord? Becuase he buys a house that the lord has blessed him with and we all think hes a rich scumbag? Just because he has his own show is that why we dont like him? Or maybe its because hes willing for the holyspirit to overflow from him to people? Is he no different from the traveling Evangelists in the 17th 18th century? Yes people have been healed? Why? because they had the faith and willingness for GOD to heal them not some Middle Eastern pastor? And yes some people come from those crusades un healed and un changed why? Because they were ignorant and selfish? They weren't willing to change there life so that God could come in and restore them. Now yes, some TV evangelists do not spread the word of God for God glory, but for theres and they fall for that. God called them to ministry and the use God for their personal needs. Now does Jesus still love those people? Yes, and he will always? Guys look at life as Jesus would and have pitty on people. Dont scorn them dont judge them because scorning and judging should be below you as Christians.
Thankfully I'm not a Christian and so my scorning is entirely secular in nature. Most Television Evangelists pull down the kind of money that should not be earned from the suffering and fear of others.

I won't speak of Benny Hinn in particular, because that might be seen as being provocative, and I don't want that, but I will speak in general.

What sort of money is your Televangelist making? That's a good question. Check to see if they are a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Because if they are, then their financial practices are held to at least the weakest form of scrutiny.

Do they claim to have a hotline from God himself? By this I mean does God regularly pass on tidbits of information directly to them alone and nobody else? Are they regularly making prophecies that don't come through? Because, you know, if they are then maybe they're wrong about a lot more.

Conspicuous consumption. Everyone needs a house - but do they need a multi-million dollar mansion? Do they need 80,000 dollar cars? Do they wear exclusively designer clothes?

If they do faith healing. How many of those people stayed healed? How many of them are back in hospital the Monday after a Crusade weekend? Get some statistics together.

And when you don't find a sleazy swindling greaseball that lies and cheats as easily as breathing, taking the money of the poor folks that he offers false hope to in return for immense sums of money that go to prop up his empire and make him live in a manner that resembles an international Playboy more than a Village Clergyman, THEN you might have the real thing on your hands.

Personally speaking though? And this is not directed at any specific televangelist - I won't hold my breath waiting for you to find one.

You are right on the money. Benny will not allow for his finances to be held accountable via the ECFA. He has been asked MANY times to do just that and he refuses. The only one that I know that HAS done so is Billy Graham.
Eon said:
Personally speaking though? And this is not directed at any specific televangelist - I won't hold my breath waiting for you to find one.

I have to agree 100% on this with Eon.
Dark Virtue said:
Arkanjel, you say BEWARE, but why doesn't Christianity, in general, openly denounce scammers like Benny Hinn?

Some of us do. I fully think that Benny Hinn is a scam, and worse teaches heresies of the first order. As well, there are others out there that say the same thing about him, and many others.

Unfortunately, most Christians are more interested in the feel-good moment of the week, to gather actual Biblical learning and apply logic and Biblical precepts against what these people are saying.
I find TV preachers too creepy, they just look really weird, too happy and smily, and loud too. They already got a mic strapped on them, can't they just say ''this person has been saved, praise him/her'' the end? It's that simple, don't shout, just talk. And the scam things, I have to agree with you, I have a feeling that some of these TV preachers aren't even real christians, failed actors who are just earn a living, it's the same with most christian ''rock'' bands. Anyway as I was saying if these people were so great and holy. then maybe they'd use the money to help a family or 2 seek asylum after leaving dictatorial countries, or maybe help tramps get homes and a job, they just aren't good people imo, a bunch of fakers. And no offence to the dude who said they felt a holy presence when going near a TV preacher but are you sure you thought he was holy? There may have been a church right behind him or something.