TV pastors


New Member
Yesterday my mom went to see Benny Himm (I think thats the right spelling). She said she did it for me, but even when I was catholic I was always skeptical about these tv personalities. She was telling me today about all these miracles they had, and to me I believe they just paid people to do that to get more donations. I think he's a smooth talker, but I'm not a believer.
So I was wondering what u thonk about people like benny Himm.
Many TV pastors/evangalists try taking Scripture out of context to say anything they want or say things people want to hear. It's the same of anyone professing to be a Christian... Many go around spreading false doctrine claiming it's from God.

It's been a long time since I've seen some of the big TV evangalists like Benny Himm or Pat Robertson so I can't give my opinion on them. I do remember seeing Joel Osgeen (sp?) who was giving some bogus sermon about how any and all negative comments comes from Satan and thus should be ignored.
Yeah, in my opinion these people are in it for money, although not all are. But all the healing and stuff then just ask yourself why they only heal things you can't see and when someone wants a limb grown back why God never wants it to happen?
I am here, (((SA)))! lol :)

I agree strongly with the things that have been said here. I think it a shame that Benny has one of the largest churches in Orlando and the few times I have seen him out of curiosity, I have not ever heard him speak of Jesus and His Saving Grace and Power. I have also read some startling things concerning BH. One was an interview held at TBN where he twisted the Word and encouraged the "audience" (you will find these at every show), to chant "We are gods!" Shudder the thought! I don't agree with Benny's reasoning for encouraging the people for this, but it is true that is exactly what we become when we try to do things our way instead of God's way.

As a general rule, you will not hear about Jesus from tv preachers, so called. The only exception that I can think of off the top of my head would be Charles Stanley, that is the only one I would recommend.

I wish that we did have some good old fashioned Gospel preaching on television. Perhaps Preachers feel that the astronomical amounts of money it would take could be better used for missionaries or their bus ministries. Maybe another factor is that we are told not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together and God wants us in church, not only for fellowship, but to encourage others and be a blessing as well as receiving the same blessing ourselves. Church is a place to worship and learn of the things of Jesus, not to pleasure a crowd.

I would highly encourage you if you are hearing a preacher anywhere, anytime that is not focusing on seeing others saved through the shed blood of The LORD Jesus Christ and Him for your life!!

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15
Here are some of the ones I like; (not sure if they all have their own show though)

Dr. Joseph M. Stowell
Hal Lindsey
Dr. Michael Youssef
Yea well to me when u see all these guys on tv in their nice suites and jewelery on I always think if your doing this in the name of god y not spend less on your self and donate most of the money to feed people. I'm not saying they can't have nice things but like that one guy on tv with that glass church or whatever, does it really matter how nice the church is or the message u are trying to pass. I've always complained about that since I was a kid, it was nice going to ok looking church but does it really matter how it looks as long as it has a roof and 4 walls.
I think with the tv ones its more for show, it makes a good back drop.
But yea my mom said they didn't have to donate anything it was optional, she did ofcource but she didn't have too. She was telling me how much he must of spent to rent the place and have this event, but I was telling her he didn't have to spend anything, some person in the area probobly donated the money for it.
But I'm skeptical about everything.
On a whole nother note, I was downtown today and passed by the church of scientology, and decided to take a peak inside. It was ok, thinking of going back and getting the book on organization and memory. The lady inside seemed alittle to happy but I'm always curious about different religions. I mostly went in there to see if tom cruse was there, but sadly he wasn't. :P
As a general rule, you will not hear about Jesus from tv preachers, so called. The only exception that I can think of off the top of my head would be Charles Stanley, that is the only one I would recommend.

Has noone heard of Joyce Meyer? :eek: My mom listens to her like nuts. :eek:

And Gandhi (spelled it right) did we answer your question? Seems like you already have an idea in your head tho, so it was more of a "check our opinion against yours". >_>

That's how I am reading... Again text does not really inspire many correct ideas in me... I prefer talking to people. :p
I have heard of Joyce Meyer, SA. While I don't think woman preachers are Scriptural, I do like her teachings. I have read a couple of her books and have some of her tapes, she is concerned about others being saved and becoming closer in their walk with God. Best of all she looooves the Word of God and the God of the Word. In addition, she strongly supports missionaries. I feel that she is the direct opposite of Benny Hinn, may God help him. Another good program, while he is not a preacher, is Zola Levitt. He teaches on Israel, her history and customs. He makes the Old Testament come to life.
Gandhi said:
Yea well to me when u see all these guys on tv in their nice suites and jewelery on I always think if your doing this in the name of god y not spend less on your self and donate most of the money to feed people. I'm not saying they can't have nice things but like that one guy on tv with that glass church or whatever, does it really matter how nice the church is or the message u are trying to pass.

I am one of those folks who always tries to see the glass as half full... but there are several red flags that go up whenever I hear about a preacher driving a Rolls Royce, or how the church owns a Lear Jet (two separate churches in my hometown of Tampa). I firmly believe that preachers should be paid fairly for the work they put in, and maybe since the Lear Jet church is international in scope, they did a cost analysis and figured out it would be cheaper to own a jet than to charter all those flights to Indonesia and Thailand...

The best part is that you can talk to folks from these churches, and they will justify the actions of the church until they are blue in the face. However, there's a huge difference between justifiable and Biblically justified. I'd like to hear someone show me Biblically (obviously through their interpretation, since I'm pretty sure the Word doesn't specifically address pastors who drive Bentleys) what their reasons are for having such an extravagant system.
Yea well to me when u see all these guys on tv in their nice suites and jewelery on I always think if your doing this in the name of god y not spend less on your self and donate most of the money to feed people. I'm not saying they can't have nice things but like that one guy on tv with that glass church or whatever, does it really matter how nice the church is or the message u are trying to pass. I've always complained about that since I was a kid, it was nice going to ok looking church but does it really matter how it looks as long as it has a roof and 4 walls.
I think with the tv ones its more for show, it makes a good back drop.
But yea my mom said they didn't have to donate anything it was optional, she did ofcource but she didn't have too. She was telling me how much he must of spent to rent the place and have this event, but I was telling her he didn't have to spend anything, some person in the area probobly donated the money for it.
But I'm skeptical about everything.
On a whole nother note, I was downtown today and passed by the church of scientology, and decided to take a peak inside. It was ok, thinking of going back and getting the book on organization and memory. The lady inside seemed alittle to happy but I'm always curious about different religions. I mostly went in there to see if tom cruse was there, but sadly he wasn't. :P

Yes some people are kind of hypocritical. =O
about the only tv/radio people i listen to are Charles Swindol, Dr. Jeremiah, and Dobson. they are the most biblically based preachers ive ever heard, Swindol is my absolute favorite,, he puts everything in perspective. ive read several books by him and audio books :D . but other than them im not big on tv pastors.
The only preacher I watch on Television is Billy Graham's Classic Crusades. Quite simply most of the others are just way off-base. I can enumerate on one hand the amount of truly Bible-rooted T.V. preachers these days, and I would have some fingers to spare when I'm done too, and that is very sad.

The Christian today needs to be very careful about who they allow to teach them. This is why it is so important to study God's Word and know enough of it to be able to "rightly divide the truth" (Cf. 2nd Timothy 2:15)
I really think this scripture says it best.

Matthew Ch. 7
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

This tool of discernment goes for EVERY person who you run across. Political leaders, church leaders, business leaders, people in general. When the scripture was written, it was written to people who were having to deal with spritual leaders who were leading people astray with half truths. Funny how this is still the case today with tele-vangelists. Does the name Jim Baker, or maybe Jimmy Swaggart ring a bell? The Pat and Jan Crouch's and Benny Hinn's of today have just learned from the mistakes of those who came before them. There is a lot of money to be made preying on peoples hope and dreams. BEWARE!
Marcy, you are correct Ma'am. It is Benny Hinn.

I pray for him as well as all the other False teachers out there. I also have an issue with Joyce Meyer as well.