TS problem


New Member
Hey all,
I am trying to get Team speak to work on Ubuntu. I have the linux client and it works fine. One small issue. I am always muted. How can I change that?
that means ur drivers/sound drivers might be messed up, its always worked fine for me in ubuntu so i dont know. might try looking at the sound controls and making sure ur settings for the mic are properly setup
The funny thing is this, I can play sound from most other applications (exception being audacity). I can also record sound in all applications. I do have sound and recording, its just that in TS it shows me as being muted with the little icon instead of the green dot. I can't find an option to unmute my self.
go to the self tab and click one of the options, im preety sure its the self tab anyway..
TS uses the older OSS sound library. The current spec is ALSA but it includes an emulation layer for the older OSS. The kicker is that the old OSS can only have one stream on any channel at a time. You can try the wrapper using "aoss <executable>". I can't remember how well that works.
The wierd thing is that sometimes it works, i just logged in and it worked fine. However, other times I can't unmute my self.
i was playing with it in linux and basically dont startup ur other sound programs before u load TS, i tend to find that the sound drivers cant multi-task and if kaffien or vlc were on or had a process still operating (vlc kept running i had to kill process) TS wont work. but when everything else is off and clean TS will work. i use xubuntu 64bit feisty fawn on my laptop and love it
Thanks all,
It works (so far) if I close pidgin first. I hadn't thought of that before since I have all sounds disabled in it. Finally, i can come to bible studies etc again :D :D