Trying to Find you Guys

Daralis Halo

New Member
Hello! I am currently in the SoE Guild Wars chapter of ToJ. I am getting WoW this weekend because GW is not meeting my MMORPG needs. Of course, it's a different kind of MMORPG. But still.

I have a few questions.

1. What server is the guild on?
2. Alliance or Horde? (I'm assuming Alliance.. idk why)
3. What else do I need to do.

I have experience. I had a lvl 40 UD rogue. Soo.. just trying to start back up again.

Thanks in advance!
Don't worry, there is plenty of pvp action on Cenarius. Especially around crossroads and orgrimar. I am a level 33 priest and picked up 10 hks the other day. The nice thing is you get to choose when to pvp instead of having it chosen for you.
Takes away the quality of surprise though : )
I never played normal servers, do both people have to be flagged in order to pvp? or is it only in certain areas where its neutral?
(was thinking of rerolling a rogue)

I heard rogues were getting nerfed again bad. Or that's just every rogue on the WoW forums complaining. But then you hop over to the Mages thread and see the same thing.

What does the guild need most?
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guild needs priests probably the most on Stonemaul no idea about cenerius, stonemaul is a PVP server (dwarf priests FTW)
PvP on a PvE server:

Contested land: Both players must choose to become flagged (either by action such as attacking an opposing flagged player or healing a friendly flagged player) or using the /pvp command.

Friendly land: Your choice like in Contested land.

Enemy territory: Automatically flagged for PvP.


Rogues getting nerfed: Just alot of complaints because people don't know how to use their class or racial traits to defeat rogues. Any class can beat any class. Rogues happen to be the most balanced class in the game, and also still one of the more broken classes. Cats eyes googles, elixers, flares, human perception, felhounds and the like are all in the game for a reason.
It's just sad to come back after a few months of playing (played alot this fall but had to quit because of college), and seeing the classes i played being flamed horribly. Even Hunters have it bad and that was one of my favorite classes to play!

Considering, i'm willing to make an alliance to play with you guys on Stonemaul.
If you need some more members, then i'll be more than happy to engage in some Christian fellowship in WoW.

Just let me know what you guys need, other than priests (haha) jk.
Pretty much pick and choose and play. At the lower and mid levels, there are lots of every class. At the highest levels (50+) we are lacking in healing classes (druids, priests and pallies). In a few weeks, even that will change as many people cross over that level 50 threshold. There is a shortage of druids compared to the other classes. All the druids, if I recall, are under level 40, only 1 is played consistently, but as an Alt of a level 60 warrior. Another can only play part time as her character is on the same account of somebody elses and she prefers to play on a PvE server. So if you make a druid your main, you probably will do quite well.
Do you guys need either Wars or Hunters?
I dont like healing as much as direct damage,
I have played Monks/Priests before.

BLM/WHM30 in ffxi
RNG/NIN30 in ffxi
PLD/WAR25 in ffxi

If it's required of the guild. i'll do a Druid.
But - i'm just planning ahead.
and I want to play with you guys.
I hope the guild is pretty active : )

I dont want to get creamed while running to astranaar
if i roll a Druid. haha :D
If damage is your game, then go for it. Warriors aren't really the damage dealers in the game, mages, rogues, hunters are. So, from the list you gave, go hunter.
Hunters are one of the best soloers in the game, and they can be quite fun. Mages have some nice power and some pretty nasty tricks. And when a rogue gets hunting, who can stop him? hehe. So pick a card, and we'll be there for ya.
I was reading up that Warriors are starting to be top 5 in DPS for endgame because of some nasty crits.

Ive decided to roll a Druid to try it out.
I'll probaly roll a rogue too for the pvp part.
I just want to be able to pvp well
until I can get high enough to do raids with you guys.
And unless Druids have a trick up their sleeves for pvp,
then i'll probaly roll rogue or hunt.
Then again, it's not ALL about me.
Yet, I still want to play a class I enjoy.

Anyway, I'll be getting on probaly Sunday night or afternoon!
I'm not sure what my characters name will be,
but who should i send a tell to to get an invite?
If.. I am invited? : )
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Contact Melko, Bannard, Sandric, Ferine, Fjorboug just to name a few. I know there are a couple of others but if you put those names in your friends list, it shouldn't take long before one of them comes online.
I know I must be starting to pester you guys.
But I have a quick question.

Is there anyway to scale your character?
Such as, make them a much shorter height?
The only thing that determines your player height is by the race you choose. Taurens are the tallest and gnomes are the smallest.