Tron 2.0 Demo is OUT!


The first demo for Tron 2.0 is out. I haven't downloaded it yet. All I know is it is the lightcycles. I can't wait to play it. This is the next game I am waiting for. Hopefully this demo will be nice. I was not too impressed with the Elite Force II demo, granted it was an early version of the game, but I found it rather disappointing.
I have not been able to run the installer due to it being corrupted.

I have not known Disney to put out bad game demos.

Unfortunately, I can't figure out how the MP game works. Are there certain objectives or what. Maybe I should read the read-me.
Hmmm. I guess I should probably download and try it out. I'll try to get to it soon and see if I have any similar problems with it.
Well, I downloaded and played a bit last night. I am impressed with this early version. The graphics are sure nice. For MP are you asking about the light cycles or the discs? If you are wondering about the light cycles, play SP first. There is a tutorial. For the discs, you essentially just throw it, and use the right mouse button to deflect a shot.

I only played for maybe 15 minutes, so I haven't spent any in-depth time with it.
I have the cycles figured out. I'll have to play around with the disk arena a bit more. I know that some of the octagonal floor falls away, and I guess I can't figure out why. There's also points and stuff, but I can't figure out how they're scored as it doesn't seem to go by the usual fragmatch rules.
OK. I'll have to look more into that. I couldn't even see where the score was. I never joined a team. Are you supposed to join a team? Me and some other people were just running around de-rezzing each other in the first area in which you show up.
The disc game has you either shooting the enemys accross the way or shooting the pad he is standing on so they dispear, if you hit a pad any touching it dispear as well for about 10 seconds. Me and some friends tried it at a lan it was fun but it needs a lot of work to be a good game.
Ok, that makes sense. I'm actually not real impressed with the multiplayer aspect of the game, but I am really looking forward to the single player.

It's funny because I really didn't like the Ghost Recon demo when that came out, but it turns out that Ghost Recon is my favorite game of all time!
Demos can be good, but they're not always a good indication of what the real game will be like.
Penny Arcade reviews it as a synonym for excreta... Use your own discretion when downloading!

Oh, PLEASE! It's not that bad of a demo. The light cycles were fun. I hope they come out with a single player version of the FPS portion of the game.
Well, I finished the new single player demo and...ummm...WOW! The graphics, the sound, the environment, the gameplay! It's WAY better than I was even hoping. It's an FPS, but they've added a new twist by including some strategy elements. There are all sorts of subroutines. Basically, programs that give you abilities (better weapon ability, better armor, silent feet, virus protection, etc.). But you can only use a certain number of them at a time. So you need to be wise as to which ones you want to use.

Also, using the disc as a weapon adds a new element to the gameplay as well. Using the disc to block the enemy throws is pretty fun.

The game was pretty challenging, but mostly because you need to get used to using the disc. There was a jumping puzzle, but it wasn't all too bad.