

New Member
I have to respect some of you in this forum, i may not agree with everything you say, but I still respect you.

Those of you who took the time to not only learn your religion, but also the religion of others so that you do not criticize them blindly. I respect that, the fact that you are secure enough in your own religion to be able to question and analyze it.
Thanks dude.
Take time to learn of us as well. It's not like we're a cult or anything. Though I would argue we have cults within us...
born catholic, don't really attend church though, mainly because I think the entire institution is fairly hypocritical, and i dislike hypocricy
Oooh! Can I be in a cult? I want the BIG knife!
I was raised Catholic but switched to Evangelical Christianity when I was 15 there were too many things I disagreed with. Welcome aboard!
It is always good to see new faces around here. You are most welcome here, my friend. I hope we can get to know you a little more along the way.