Tribes: Ascend


Tribes: Ascend is a fast-paced, free-to-play FPS that just launched yesterday. All weapons, equipment, etc. can be unlocked without spending any money (although it would take quite a while). Its primary game mode is Capture the Flag, but there are Team Deathmatch, Arena, and Capture & Hold. The main thing separating Tribes from other FPS's is "Skiing." Everybody has a jetpack and the ability to turn personal friction on and off at will; combine this with large maps with hills everywhere, and you can easily move at speeds of 150+ km/hr by skiing up and down the hills.

You can sign up to make an account right here.
I was in the beta and T:A ran fairly sluggishly on my machine (no surprise, given my laptop's specs).

I'll probably uninstall now that the beta is over (and I'm guessing a new client download will be necessary), but if the game gets popular with CGA community members and is still popular by the time I build a desktop gaming rig, I'll give it another shot.
I didnt really enjoy it too much last night the combat was way hard to aim against a target moving that fast and I had trouble defending against people on all sides including above me.

I didnt notice a way to do things as a squad to avoid this as everyone just ran around doing their own thing. Not my cup of tea, but I do like Planetside so PS2 might be fun for me.