Training Grounds


New Member
I'd like to know if anyone else needs Training Grounds on any of their toons. I'm kinda stuck trying to PuG it but even if there's one or two others we can at least spam as a group :p
Yes, Schmeea needs to start going there. I would love to see if we can coincide some time(s) hopefully times- haven't even been to the abyss yet.
I'll be on tomorrow morning early east coast time and then again later afternoon which I think is around 1 or 2 server time. Can we hook up then? Tomorrow night I have a WoW hard modes raid but will also be on Sunday before and after church.
I'll be up for that soon with one of my baby girls. I'll keep an eye out here for details....

Looking forward to grouping!!

If I don't make it by then, it's an 18 hour lock out so I'll catch tomorrow's for sure! :)

Have fun!!!
Funny, I edited that previous mssg about 10 min after I posted it as a friend called and told me she would be in town - the edit didn't take :( I won't be available Sat. afternoon :(
My SM (level 26) needs Training Grounds, but I'm leveling a Sorc that will probably take over as my main. Probably won't be to Abyss for about a week with him.
I'd like to try again this weekend if we have people still at 25-27. I haven't been on Aion much at all as we've been working Hard Modes and stuff on WoW getting ready for ICC. And yes, I wish I could bring my shadow priest to Aion - have a lot of time invested in him (something over 200 days /played). I'm pretty jazzed about our HMs, we did 10 man ToC with 48 attempts remaining... so close to Tribute to Insanity!

I have a Sorceror and and Templar that can go.
The level range is 25-28. At 29+ one is completely locked out : /
always up for TG between 6 pm and 8 pm CST!
Currently have my Templar at 28, my Cleric at 27.
Soon will have my Chanter at 25 and followed by my Assassin (she's 22, so prolly this weekend).
I'll keep an eye open here in case something's put together, otherwise, hopefully we can group up in TG! :)

Edit: anytime on Saturday! and afternoon/evening on Sunday!
Let's see if we can get a scheduled run in.
Post your weekend available times, that you feel you can commit to.
It would be great to have it scheduled so we can make sure we have
that time available on the character (not locked out)

Starr - Anytime Saturday, Late afternoon Sunday - Temp or Sorc
Melkins - Anytime Saturday, Evening Sunday - Temp, Cleric or Chanter
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Update for the TG group-

Templar outleveled now so it's:

27 Cleric
26 Chanter
26 Assassin

Let's shoot for tomorrow sometime? :)