ToJ Server Whitelist

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Application for whitelist and please explain how to enter :)

Minecraft User Name: Jaid
Real Life First Name (optional): John
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 36+
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): Nope.
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: Google search

Thanks, guys :)

- John
TOJ Member name: tehleteness
Minecaft: jgamerpro

Added from old whitelist
good bye everybody!!

minecraft is getting distracting, and is getting in the way of school
i will y miss y'all! <3
i probably wont be on for a loooooonggggg time :'(''''''''

Minecraft User Name: Villek
Real Life First Name (optional): Cuen
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 36+
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): no
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: i did a search for Christian minecraft server. i wanted a place that was not overrun with children that only wanted to greif and steal your projects or deal with these silly games to play just to have building rights.
this is my whitelist request ^.^

This is the info we need:

Name as appears on ToJ Roster:
Minecraft User Name:
Real Life First Name (optional):
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:

Once that is filled out, and we verify you are on the ToJ Roster, we will whitelist you.
Please Add Me

Name as appears on ToJ Roster: 333478
Minecraft User Name: 333478
Real Life First Name (optional): James
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): under 16
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): no
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: Searched on Christian Minecraft servers. My parents do not want me to play the other servers.
TOJ Roster - Elusiv
Minecraft Name - Raiketan
Real Name - David
Age group - 36+
Not in a chapter at the moment
Longtime member of ToJ with various periods of activity/inactivity
Old player returning.

Name as appears on ToJ Roster:wonsnot
Minecraft User Name:wonsnot
Real Life First Name (optional):Preston
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):21-35
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:I missed the changeover and was dropped from the whitelist I enjoyed it and hope to join you again soon.
Name as appears on ToJ Roster:wonsnot
Minecraft User Name:wonsnot
Real Life First Name (optional):Preston
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):21-35
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:I missed the changeover and was dropped from the whitelist I enjoyed it and hope to join you again soon.

You have been added to the list. :) You should have a blue name, with (ToJ) in front of it :)
Name as appears on ToJ Roster:LORDKNELLERD
Minecraft User Name:LORDKNELLERD
Real Life First Name (optional):Dylan
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):17-20
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):Nope
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:Forums Reply, blsimpson
Name as appears on ToJ Roster:LORDKNELLERD
Minecraft User Name:LORDKNELLERD
Real Life First Name (optional):Dylan
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):17-20
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list):Nope
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:Forums Reply, blsimpson

I dont see you on the roster at all? I have been looking every day, waiting to see if they were behind in new users, but haven't seen you added..

This is the roster I am refering to:,order=,sort=,limit=0
And to join, go here:
Minecraft User Name: Sklurb & Charismali (my daughter who plays under my supervision)
Real Life First Name (optional): Mark
Age Group (0-10; 11-16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 36+???!!!! (/sigh yeah thats me)
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): Yes UT3 / TF2
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?:
the grapevine.
I can has whitelist?

Name as appears on ToJ Roster: Brootis or Kablehm
Minecraft User Name:Kablehm
Real Life First Name (optional): Kable
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):34
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): Wow (Redeemed)
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: Mordos!
Name as appears on ToJ Roster: Brootis or Kablehm
Minecraft User Name:Kablehm
Real Life First Name (optional): Kable
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):34
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): Wow (Redeemed)
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: Mordos!

You have been added to the list. Welcome aboard. :)
Name as appears on ToJ Roster: Xaveor
Minecraft User Name: Rinkor16
Real Life First Name (optional): Mike
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 21
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): Starcraft and League of Legends
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: Just saw it on the list of forums.
Added to the list. Welcome aboard. :)

Name as appears on ToJ Roster: Xaveor
Minecraft User Name: Rinkor16
Real Life First Name (optional): Mike
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+): 21
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): Starcraft and League of Legends
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: Just saw it on the list of forums.
Name as appears on ToJ Roster: -non existent-
Minecraft User Name:Catakou
Real Life First Name (optional): o-o...idk..
Age Group (under 16; 17-20; 21-35; 36+):~17~
Do you belong to another TOJ Chapter (if so, please list): .... o-o...
How did you hear about TOJ Minecraft?: ;D idk this either...

o-o...just cause i never did this for myself... ;D
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