TOJ Minecraft Pranks


I, TDWfan, have pranked a few people on the TOJ server, but I'm not positive whether or not the server knows the "rules" of gentlemanly/womanly (:P) pranks. In any case, I've decided to list some common rules that I follow for Minecraft pranking, along with some suggestions.

1. No fire, lava, or TNT. Lava might be able to be used, but use discretion between griefing and decoration... (I'll explain later.)
2. Leave a sign. When you do prank someone, leave a sign that at the very least tells the person who did it. If you want, you can get creative with your sign as well.
3. No griefing. This is of course an obvious rule; don't destroy someone else's house. If their house is made of wood, don't use lava. A prank is most typically blocks added to a building. If is a small hole through the wall which is necessary for the prank, that is acceptable, but not other wise.
4. BYOM. Bring Your Own Materials. If you're going to pull off a prank, you've got to put in the work. A good prank is commonly one where a lot of effort is put in.
5. Please don't prank on the creative world. It doesn't take you any effort to get the materials, it doesn't take any effort to clean up, and it's generally just not as funny.

Now, suggestions from myself.
1. If possible, record your set up, and show it to the server after the person has discovered the prank. (Don't want the prank to be seen on the forums first!) And vice verses, if you get pranked, record your reaction; you exploring your house, etc.
2. Again, a good prank is one with a lot of effort. Sometimes getting your creative juices flowing is the best thing to do.
3. It's all in good fun. If you get pranked, you can clean it up. If the pranker offers to help with the clean up you can accept, but just remember it's all a game.

Good luck pranking! If you have screenshots or videos of your pranks (given or gave), post them below!

I do have some examples of Minecraft pranks, which I will post in multiple posts. (Yay Vbulletin!) Of course, you may want to find your own to do, but here are some already done: (Warning, some language may be in these videos.)

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I'm going to really like this thread! :D

This was recent. Pheonix is inside that.

Another gift to Pheonix as I walked by his castle one day.

This was a prank right in front of Abea... she was trying to build and after marking the middle, as requested, I started putting down more signs.

My best prank so far: TP'ing bl's house
2012-10-12_14.10.22.jpg 2012-10-12_14.11.23.jpg
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I evicted LS and took over his castle.

Unfortunately I forgot to screenshot my tagging of his castle, but here's the rest.

Entry Denied.jpg

I blocked off all of the entries to his castle (and a few more as well)
Coincidentally, my castle was closed shortly after his castle became overgrown with bushes and leaves...
Likewise, no pictorial evidence.
Someone has chickens on the mind.
View attachment 1904

Sidenote: I owe you a painting.
I had all my paintings there. Plus, that chicken made a great thing to trade with villagers.

2. Leave a sign. When you do prank someone, leave a sign that at the very least tells the person who did it. If you want, you can get creative with your sign as well.
I realize you left a sign, but there was no identification that you did it. :) I wouldn't be able to get revenge if I didn't already know it was you.
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I'm not sure if it's clear... it's not considered griefing if you remove a prank from your property. Many of my pranks have been left untouched, and I just want to make sure that you don't have to keep them. It's like duct taping an IRL car; you don't leave the duct tape on.
I just haven't been on in quite a while. I did pop on and see it, TDW, but didn't do anything. So, unfortunately, I didn't get a large influx of zombie pigmen either. :) I know where they live, though.
I just haven't been on in quite a while. I did pop on and see it, TDW, but didn't do anything. So, unfortunately, I didn't get a large influx of zombie pigmen either. :) I know where they live, though.

Still have to iron out the bugs. :)
Lol Lost... thanks for the interesting signs at my house... did you leave the chest in my living room? It's locked.
