ToJ LOTRO Kinship under development


Active Member
Okay so I have been given the wonderful opportunity of trying to bring life to this "barren" LOTROForum.
Here are a list of things I am looking for:

1. Who all out there plays LOTRO?
2. Are you interested in formning a ToJ based kinship?
3. What type of kinship will it be:
It will be fun/casual kinship for the most part where we can join one another in fellowship and also group together to quest and such. Eventually, I hope to implement "Fellowship" groups, "raid" groups, and "end-game" content groups. Of course this is future. :) First we gotta fill out the roster a bit.

Once everyone lets me know who wants to help out or join, we will then decide on a server and "Official" kinship name. As of right now no "official" kinship is formed under ToJ, but I hope that with the efforts of a few good gamers out there we can change that.

LOTRO to me is a "break" from most of the normal MMO's the community is VERY helpful and it is more casual why still giving the hardcore gamer a good run for their money.

Thanks in advance for atleast reading this, and if you want to try the game out go to under LOTRO and there is a free 7 or 14 (can't remember) trial for the game. :) As of right now I am on Landrovale so if you try it out come join me on there.
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I have been playing Lotro now since around November '07 and am simply loving it. I looked in this forum first to see if there were any active christian guilds, and finding none, I googled up a few and chose Creations of the Light on the Gladden server.

I wanted to plug the game a bit, and hope you don't mind:)

The game play is smooth, the graphics are wildly awesome, the quest line is very immersible, the player housing is decoratingly addictive, the character development is rich, the PvMP (player vs. monster player) is fun and rewarding for all your characters on your account, not just your monster player toon.

The element of good is beautifully sweet, and the element of evil is hauntingly scary. The musical scores are eloquently fitting for each area and cause me to stay in one area just to continue to listen to them at times. I can have 'travelling clothes' to wear in towns instead of my armor, and I can change my hairstyle and color of my armor/clothes anytime I want. I never get tired of fellowship(party) maneuvers(abilities) as they surprise me with their power and artistry everytime a fellowship I am in gets one completed.

Climbing Weathertop, meeting Tom Bombadil, visiting his home, and seeing each of the Fellowship characters in Rivendell just did it for me. I love the books and the game is an exciting extension of them.

I wish you well in getting a ToJ Lotro kinship going:)
I concur with all the above, LotRO is a superb game with lots to offer especially along the way to max level (once there its kinda small compared to the competition). I kinda wish I hadn't sold off my account so I could return and check out the housing and new additions.
Sorry to hear that. I was totally impressed and agree with Gamespy, IGN and PCgamer who all gave it Game of the year.
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I am sorry, but I expected so much more from a company that made AC... Plus, all those places giving it game of the year doesn't mean anything, people all have their own opinions...
I played LotRO for a while, and I was so-so on it. They did about as good a job with it as they could have, but due to the creative constraints they're hitting as far as having it mesh with the books, it just didn't feel... well, FUN to me. However I know lots of people who play it and love it, so it's definitely a personal preference.

Creations of the Light is a good group, I played on Gladden and our guild was allied with them. Definitely a good crew of people. :)